Tottenham-Genoa, negotiations for Dragusin in full swing: final offer ready, Napoli overtaken | Market

Negotiations between Genoa and Tottenham for the sale of Radu Dragusin come to life. The English club is pushing hard and in the last few hours it has clearly surpassed Napoli: the last contacts with the Ligurians were decisive, the agreement advances towards the final stage of negotiations, for the transfer to London of Romanian born in 2002, who would like a move to the Premier League compared to that in Campania.

THE FINAL PROPOSAL – The Spurswho absolutely need a central defender, are counting on close the deal next week: the talks continue even in these hours, awaiting the final official proposal, which should reach the 25 million euros requested by Genoa, preferred over the 20 million plus the cards of Ostigard and Zanoli, proposed by the Neapolitans. Decisive hours, with Napoli also in danger of being defeated on the transfer market.

2024-01-07 22:50:00
#TottenhamGenoa #negotiations #Dragusin #full #swing #final #offer #ready #Napoli #overtaken #Market


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