they were returning from her birthday party

Yet another tragedy on the roads. On the night between Tuesday and Wednesday 31 January two 23 year olds, a boy and a girl, are dead in a accident a Rosarno, near Reggio Calabria. Their auto, a Fiat500 crashed into a palo: both are dead on the spot, a third passenger, the driver’s cousin, remained wound seriously. All three were returning from party of birthday of the girl.

The dynamics of the accident

According to what was reconstructed byAnsathe three boys, aboard a Fiat 500, had just left a locale.

They had celebrated with other friends, the birthday of the 23-year-old, who died instantly.

Rosarno, site of the accident, in the province of Reggio Calabria

The rescues

The firefighters and carabinieri intervened at the scene of the accident, together with the local police and the personal of the 118.

The injured passenger was taken to the large metropolitan hospital of Reggio Calabria, where he was hospitalized with reserved prognosis.

Fonte foto: 123RF
2024-01-31 07:47:00
#returning #birthday #party


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