The Unsolved Mystery of the Pescara Shooting

PESCARA. «Of course I was afraid. I was afraid that maybe they would break my legs with a baseball bat. That’s what I could fear, not that they would shoot me.” This was stated by Luca Cavallito, the survivor of the shooting on August 1, 2022, where his friend, the Pescara architect Walter Albi, was shot dead in the Park bar, to the magistrates who interrogated him for the third time after that ambush which only for a case did not end in a double homicide. Survivor and only witness, Cavallito immediately told the investigators that he recognized the man who approached to shoot at him and Albi as Mimmo Nobile: the one who the prosecutor identified as the killer, on the mandate of the Calabrian criminal Natale Ursino (released from prison from the Review).
THIRD INTERROGATION In this third interrogation, for the first time Cavallito specifies the terms of a drug operation (300 kilos of cocaine) which, through his connections in Ecuador, Ursino was supposed to carry out also in the name of unknown financiers (a drug shipment worth half a million euros) which could belong to Calabrian families as Cavallito himself supposes. Nobile already knew Ursino who he introduced to Cavallito as a “drug trafficker” on the occasion of this Ecuadorian operation, which ended badly (the contact in Ecuador with two Albanian brothers was Cavallito’s): the drugs, instead of arriving in Gioia Tauro, arrived in River, but it disappears. A hard blow for financiers.
ALBI’S PROMISES And here the architect Albi comes into play, offering to settle Ursino’s problems with the funds he is about to receive from England (a deal perhaps that never existed). Meanwhile Cavallito, oppressed by the hundreds of messages (“which I have never considered threatening” he will tell the investigators) that arrive from Ursino who does not know how to respond to the financiers, decides to give him his 400 thousand euro apartment to get out of that impasse which it was getting very heavy. However, Albi comes forward to tell Ursino that he could make the crossing with his boat to recover the other half of the load of cocaine left in Ecuador and pay him, within ten days, the 550 thousand euros “discovered” by the failure of the operation, keeping the remaining 150 kilos of cocaine for himself. «And here the omelette is made» says Cavallito to the prosecutor Giuseppe Bellelli, to the deputy Anna Rita Mantini and to the deputy Andrea Di Giovanni during the interrogation (assisted by the lawyers Ernesto Rodriguez and Sara D’Incecco). Because Albi never saw that money from England (and Cavallito had understood it) and Ursino therefore realized the unreliability of Albi and Cavallito. «The Uncle (Ursino’s nickname ed.)», says Cavallito, «had understood perfectly that taking the money from Albi was not possible, fed up with all the lies uttered by Albi he said “enough. I’m not interested in losing 500 thousand euros, but let’s make them understand who we are.” This is what…”.
NOBILE’S DEBT The investigators, who also have in their hands several chats taken from Cavallito’s phone, ask the latter for an explanation. They concern his now deteriorated relations with Nobile, who had a debt of around 150 thousand euros with Cavallito for drug issues. “I’m in deep shit and to make matters worse you continue,” Cavallito writes to Nobile. «You don’t even know where friendship belongs and neither do respect. If you are disgraced everywhere it is only your fault. I swear, you disgust me, even just the fact that you come looking for me disgusts me. For me the discussion ends here. Too many times you had the courage to steal from me, then just words. Please see how to put things right, it’s my money.” And immediately after comes a vocal from Nobile: a real outburst. «To Lù, I’m sorry but it seems to me that you are really shitting yourself out of the toilet with these words, “you suck”. Then, wait, what the fuck did you write? “Respect”, then wait, “it’s your fault”, what’s my fault. Let me understand. A Lù, I’ll tell you one thing: don’t exaggerate because I told you that I’ll put the money you lent me to good use. “You disgraced yourself”, but how the f… dare you? Piece of… to tell me that? Now I’m busting my ass…”.
«WE RECOGNIZED HIM» This would be the last exchange of words between the two. They would have seen each other again, as Cavallito asserts, on the day of the “accident”, as he himself likes to call it: that of August 1st at the bar. «It was just a flash but I will never forget this», Cavallito tells the magistrates, «I recognized the face (even if the killer had a helmet and a mask ed.). And I think Walter recognized it too because he then said to him: “What are you doing? As if he knew him, understand?”. And Cavallito gives the investigators his explanation of the “incident” in the bar: “Let’s say, the three people who carried out this thing were involved (referring to the cocaine operation – ed.). That is, Albi because he promised and didn’t keep it, me because I introduced Albi, Nobile because he introduced me and had a debt, so at a certain point, in my opinion, most likely, he was almost ordered to come and do this work, by virtue of that accrued debt (on the part of Nobile towards Ursino ed.), because otherwise the service they had done for us they would do for him. This is my logical analysis of the thing.”

2024-01-11 00:23:49
#Cavallito #prosecutors #afraid #legs #broken #shoot #Pescara


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