The Spirit of the Good Samurai: René Huygue’s 60-Year Judo Journey

Par Editorial Courrier de l’Eure
Published on 12 Jan 24 at 3:20 p.m. See my news Follow Le Courrier de l’Eure

Licensed to the Neubourg Judo club (Eure) since its creation in 1961, René Huygue, aged 80, participated in December 2023, with part of his club’s veteran team, in the Adidas Angers 2023 Masters tournament. With success for our black belt, since in his category (1953 and before), the native of 1943 finished in first place in this tournament labeled “excellence” by the French Judo Federation (FFJ). “René also received the Anjou trophy for his participation and his good age. Our faithful judoka was able to end the year with stars in his eyes, like a child at Christmas,” confides the president of the Neuburg club, Laurent Guiod.

The spirit of the good samurai

René Huygue started judo at the age of 18, in December 1961. Since then, he has never left the tatamis, or almost: “I did have a few parentheses, due to military service or injuries,” he explains. -he. For his part, President Laurent Guiod supports: “With the spirit of the good samurai, René has always continued to evolve at the same time as our club”.

Indeed, in 1961, René was already there to launch this new activity, which was then set up in Neubourg. First in the presbytery, then in the old station (currently the tourist office), before moving in 1978 to the buildings which today house the Popular University of Neubourg.

That year, at the request of René Huygue, François Bidault became vice-president, then president from 1980 to 2015. “Thirty-five years during which René always provided his support in the organization of numerous club actions. As he always does, with the strong collaboration of his wife Françoise,” confides current president Laurent Guiod. And added: “In addition to his presence on the tatami, René has always supported the club in community life. A strong man on the tatami mats, he is also a man who listens to all the licensees to ensure that everyone feels good.”

Loyalty to follow

The good results obtained in competition with his friends at the time, and the strong growth of licensees weighed heavily in the balance of the town of Neubourg in favor of a new gymnasium integrating a dojo. The Haut-Phare complex was built in 1993. Since then, the club has occupied a space upstairs, dedicated to martial arts, and where René Huygue always comes to follow classes led by Olivier Cornu, head teacher since 1985. “If this year’s judo “awakenings” display the same loyalty and continue judo like René, they will still be on the tatamis in 2099,” smiles Laurent Guiod.

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2024-01-12 14:41:33
#Neubourg #Judo #Club #René #Huygue #tatami #enthusiast


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