La Belle Étoile, founded in 1995 by the Club des Sports des 7 Laux and the DSA (Dauphiné Ski Alpinisme), brought great competitive ski mountaineering to the Belledonne massif, between the ridges of Bédina, Dent du Pra, Roche Noire and l ’emblematic Pic de la Belle Étoile. Team race of 2, attracts 400 runners every year. Affiliated race of the La Grande Course circuit, it is defined as “Piccola Pierra” because it has all the credentials to best prepare great winter classics such as Pierra Menta, Adamello, Mezzalama, Patrouille des Glaciers, Tour du Ruitor and Altitoy.

At the end of January more than 200 crews from all over Europe and also from the United States will be at the start of this transalpine super classic; one of the most beautiful of the beginning of the season. Samuel Equiy will be at the start of the next edition alongside Mathéo Jacquemoud. They will have to deal with the other French internationals Xavier Gachet – William Bon-Mardion (the latter’s presence is affected by an injury). Also expected at the start are Ludovic Pommeret, Arthur Joyeux-Bouillon, Germain Grangier and his partner Katie Schide (USA)…

There are 3 proposed routes. For the second year the organization wants to allow enthusiasts to join the party: Route C is designed for all those who dream of starting from La Belle Étoile but on a more accessible route.

➡ Route A: 2 stages of 2500 m+ (from 21 years and mixed teams)

➡ Route B: 2 stages of 1900 m+ (from 19 years old)

➡ Route C: 2 stages of 1100 m d+ (from 15 years)

(Photo articolo Bruno Lavit)

Below are three spectacular shots by Thibaut Blais

1970-01-01 00:00:00


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