Tatami Süpplingen Shines at Peiner Eulencup with Fynn Lechner and Arya Blümke

Tatami Süpplingen Shines at Peiner Eulencup with Fynn Lechner and Arya Blümke

Süpplingen. Fynn Lechner wins the Peiner Eulencup, Arya Blümke takes silver. In the club rankings we achieved third place.

Some time ago the Ju-Jutsu Club Peine invited people to its traditional “Owl Cup”. Some of the “Judo Mice” from Tatami in Süpplingen gained their first competition experience and even took away certificates and trophies at the end.

“The Owl Cup is actually a jujutsu tournament in which you can compete in the disciplines of fighting and ground combat,” explained Nina Kindermann of tatami. “This gave us the opportunity to let our judo mice, who were happy to try out the competition, compete in ground combat.” Due to several absences due to illness, there were ultimately only two judoka left who competed in Peine – but they did so very successfully.

Despite the total of around 100 active participants, the weight classes in both the U8 and U10 areas were partly sparse. In order to enable each participant to have multiple fights, the age and weight classes were divided individually. Arya Blümke started in the U10 mixed (+42 kilograms) and only had to admit defeat to one opponent. She was delighted to receive a small silver cup. Fynn Lechner (U8 -27 kg) even won all the fights in his class and received the winner’s trophy as well as a certificate at the end.

The strong performance of the two also brought Tatami Süpplingen third place in the club rankings.

2024-01-23 16:00:23
#Certificates #Süpplingen #Judo #Mice


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