Take the Math Puzzle Challenge: Can You Solve it in Less Than a Minute?

Do you like challenges ?

Are you passionate about puzzles and math problems? Then this article is made for you !

We offer you a test that will test your problem-solving skills and quick thinking.

The goal is simple: solve a math puzzle in less than 55 seconds.

Few people succeed in the allotted time, only a tiny part of the population achieves this feat. Will you be one of them?

Would you be able to solve this puzzle in less than a minute?

The challenge to take up

Here is the puzzle that you must solve within the time limit.

These are equations involving variables representing sports, namely baseball and basketball. The goal is to solve the last equation from the others:

  • baseball * basketball = 42
  • baseball + basketball = 13
  • basketball – baseball = 1
  • baseball * basketball + baseball = ?

Interest in tests of this type

Tests of this type are interesting in several respects.

From a psychological point of view, they measure problem-solving skills, the ability to manage time pressure and self-confidence. From a cognitive point of view, they involve processes of reflection, logical reasoning and mental calculation. They are a great way to develop mathematical intuition, creativity and perseverance in the face of complex challenges.

Additionally, tests of this type are often used in recruitment processes, particularly for positions requiring analytical and problem-solving skills. They are popular in math competitions, puzzle games and escape games, where speed and efficiency are key assets.

The method to solve the puzzle

Here is the method to solve this mathematical puzzle:

  • Let’s start with the simplest equation: basketballbaseball = 1.

    We can write basketball = baseball + 1.

  • Then, we use this equation to substitute basketball into the equation baseball + basketball = 13, which gives baseball + (baseball + 1) = 13. Solving this equation, we get baseball = 6.
  • Now, we replace baseball with 6 in the equation basketball = baseball + 1, which gives basketball = 7.
  • Finally, we verify that these values ​​work for the equation baseball * basketball = 42: 6 * 7 = 42, which is correct.
  • So, baseball = 6 and basketball = 7.
  • Now we solve the equation baseball * basketball + baseball = ? : 6 * 7 + 6 = 42 + 6 = 48.
  • The final result is therefore 48. Congratulations if you managed to find this solution in less than 55 seconds!

    Tips for passing this type of test

    To pass this type of test, here are some tips:

    Do not hesitate to share this test with your friends, family or colleagues to challenge them and compare your results. Who knows, maybe you will discover new math geniuses around you?

    This under 55 second math puzzle is a great way to test your problem solving skills and quick thinking. If you successfully completed this challenge, congratulations! You are part of this tiny part of the population capable of solving this type of test in the allotted time. And if you haven’t succeeded yet, don’t be discouraged: persevere and practice, you will eventually get there! So, are you ready to take on this challenge?

    2024-01-18 05:04:32
    #Challenge #solve #math #puzzle #seconds


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