Speyer Turtles First Base and Softball Club Re-Elect Frank Brzoska as Chairman and Plan for 35th Anniversary Celebrations

Frank Brzoska remains chairman of the Speyer Turtles first base and softball club. This was the result of the general meeting on Sunday in Haus Pannonia. The old board stood for re-election and received the vote again.

The club with its 100 members has three teams, is the third largest in the association after Mainz and Saarlouis and, at 35 years old, one of the oldest. Deputy chairman Christian Dhuy named participation in the German mixed softball championship as the highlight of 2024. The organizer has not yet been decided.

New youth coaches

Vera Deuerling, Jenny Precht, Maxim Pietrzala and Hans Hammer joined as new youth coaches. On Sunday, February 25th, the Speyer team will be hosting a junior tournament in the East Hall. Groundskeeper Markus Hook reported on the beautification of the square with graffiti. Honors were given for ten years of membership (Rainer Lang), 15 (Ronja Keller), 20 (Susi Kimmel, Alexander Schulz, Markus Schneider), 25 (Andrea Brzoska, Marco Göddelmann), 30 (Christian Beck, Melanie Holdermann).

For 2024, the Turtles are planning a summer party to celebrate their 35th anniversary and participation in the pretzel festival parade with a running group. New elections: Chairman Frank Brzoska, deputy Christian Dhuy, Markus Schneider, treasurer Claudia Brzoska, groundskeeper Markus Hook, sports director Julian Pollini, youth director Marco Geider, press officer Inga Braun, auditors Susi Kimmel, Lisa Maurer.

2024-01-15 10:11:21
#Frank #Brzoska #remains #Turtles #boss #baseball


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