Special Training Session and Galette des Rois Celebration at Judo Club

Friday January 19, around fifty judokas were present for a somewhat special training session. After participating in an advanced training course with Jacques Merrant, the galette des Rois was shared.

On the tatami mats, it was not David, their usual trainer who taught the class, but Jacques Merrant, 6th dan black belt from Cijam (Independent College of Traditional Judo and Martial Arts). This development course was offered to all judokas from Friday to Sunday.

National Cijam meeting

This first development course will not be the most important event of the year 2024. Nor even the regional criterion which will be held on May 25, in Châteauvillain. This year’s event in 2024 will be the celebration of the club’s 50 years of existence. An anniversary which will be worthily celebrated with the hosting of the national Cijam meeting which should bring together around 200 athletes. Scheduled for March 23 and 24, this event will be completed with a course supervised by Christian Demarre, black belt, 9th dan. But also by a big meal show to which all the former members of the different offices of the association are invited.

2024-01-23 21:10:19
#judo #club #celebrate #50th #anniversary #year


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