Searching for the Perfect Defensive Lineup: Anderlecht’s Transfer Window Update

Searching for the Perfect Defensive Lineup: Anderlecht’s Transfer Window Update

The need for an additional left-hander in the defensive line is increasingly felt. The Anderlecht management also began looking for a profile that could cover the left axial zone and help out on the flank in the event of another massacre, as is the case with the two full-backs (Augustinsson and N’Diaye ) injured at the same time.

Sarr, too complicated

The name Malang Sarr resonated in Neerpede. The 25-year-old French central defender has been mentioned as a possible prospect. The deal will not be made and no official discussions have been held. Anderlecht was interested. The player has everything the RSCA is looking for: speed, technique, experience, a big desire to get going again during the next six months and he is left-handed.

We will certainly have to settle for a less high-sounding name than that of the Chelsea central defender who played for Nice or Monaco. This information, however, suggests that research is ongoing for a similar profile. Anderlecht is listening to proposals and many agents have bombarded Jesper Fredberg’s WhatsApp with names to fill the void at this position.

Gattoni is in Belgium

For the role of right central defender, it’s settled: Federico Gattoni (24 years old) will join Anderlecht before the end of the transfer window. Everything is in order for him to be loaned to Anderlecht for the next six months.

The Argentine took the plane this morning from Seville. First mishap: his flight was more than two hours late, but he landed in Belgium to sign his contract and undergo his medical examination. It will be presented shortly via the club’s website and social networks.

3,550 days after his last Jupiler Pro League goal, Thorgan Hazard finally scored for Anderlecht
2024-01-30 06:00:00
#Anderlecht #transfer #window #full #swing #search #lefthanded #defender #intensifies


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