Rosa García Fernández Assumes Presidency of Cáritas Regional de Castilla La Mancha

Rosa García Fernández from Seville, director of Cáritas Diocesana de Albacete, has assumed the presidency of Cáritas Regional de Castilla La Mancha (made up of the Cáritas Diocesanas de Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Sigüenza-Guadalajara and Toledo).

After two years in which Mónica Moreno Alonso, general secretary of Cáritas Diocesana of Toledo, has been at the head of Cáritas Regional, the director of Cáritas Diocesana of Albacete will be the one who will assume this rotating position until December 2027.

Cáritas regional of Castilla-La Mancha appreciates the dedication and dedication of Mónica Moreno Alonso during these years at the head of the entity, in which her involvement in favor of the most impoverished people has been maximum.

«Thanks to her effort and good work, the until now regional president has left her mark, making it possible for Cáritas Regional to continue being a meeting space between the management teams, volunteers, technicians, participants… of Castilla-La Mancha, and carrying the feeling of our reality to the confederation of Cáritas Española,” the entity says in a statement.

Cáritas Regional of Castilla-La Mancha welcomes Rosa García Fernández from Seville “to this new position of dedication and dedication, transmitting to her all possible encouragement, since it is a beautiful task where Christian Communication of Goods becomes a reality, and from where we will work so that this common space of the five Diocesan Caritas is increasingly richer and closer to the most fragile and vulnerable people.

As Cáritas Castilla-La Mancha states in its latest report, more than 82,000 people in the region and almost 20,000 people in other sister countries benefited from its action during 2022 through 3,975 volunteers, 308 hired people and more than 8,000 members and donors.

2024-01-20 15:03:16
#Rosa #García #assumes #presidency #Cáritas #CastillaLa #Mancha


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