Rome, this is not how Mourinho is treated

View of a pleasant Rome (and often dominant) also in relation to the strength of the opponent, I leave the commentary of the match to others and proceed with the question of a thousand guns: what else will a great professional like José Mourinho have to do and say to be not confirmed, but at least listened to by the managers and owners for whom he has worked for two and a half years?
Okay, the owner is American and the CEO is Greek, but in football – as in life – there are balances and universal values ​​that should be taken into consideration. Always: what is the meaning of the long Yankee silence? Have we by any chance returned to the owner of the ironworks?
Saturday Mourinho it even went as far as make yourself available for a “family” discussion, a report on the not only technical problems encountered during its difficult management. Does anyone report – faithfully – the coach’s words to Dan? With 26 career titles and unparalleled international credibility, doesn’t Mou have the expertise and experience to best illustrate the next steps in Roma’s growth path? In this period in which we read useless and self-congratulatory spaceballs about the recent acquisition and transfer campaigns, is a project that is not only technical still active? Or is the entire business plan tied to the new stage?
I find society’s behavior humiliating against a champion on the bench who chased answers three times. Since he arrived at Roma he has had to make do by digesting absurd weakenings with zero return (Mkhitaryan, Dzeko and I even add Pedro) and internal restructurings devoid of any logical sense.
In an uncertain phase like the current one the confirmation from the coach of the two finals and the full 45 it wouldn’t be a whim, but a necessity: it would guarantee stability, clarity and a lot more enthusiasm.
PS 1. When Mou talks about «explanations in the family» expresses the highest form of respect towards society. And yet… In recent weeks I have often asked myself how he manages to remain in these conditions, always finding the same answer: his uniqueness also lies in his ability to endure and in his balance, he always knows how to find the right distance to focus on that chaos of contradictory situations that animates Rome.
PS 2. Don’t miss “Grande e maledetta”, the Sky miniseries, directed by Stefano De Grandis, about Lazio in ’74. There is all the passion of those who have lived, met, loved.
PS 3. I haven’t had active social profiles for 5 years: the tweets and posts attributed to me are, as the friendly Pallotta would say, «bullshit».

2024-01-08 06:35:31
#Rome #Mourinho #treated


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