Real Madrid Tempted by Erling Haaland’s Affordable Price?


Real Madrid ready to move the target if you fail to get it Kylian Mbappe. Madrid is targeting Erling Haaland which is considered to have affordable prices.

Mbappe has long been Madrid’s main target in the transfer market. However, until now there is no clarity from the player regarding his future.

AS reported that Madrid set a deadline for Mbappe. If by January 15 Mbappe does not give a definite answer, Madrid will shift the target to Erling Haaland.

If you look at the current situation, it is difficult for Madrid to make Haaland a realistic target. The Norwegian striker is under contract with Manchester City until 2027 and is a star on the front lines.

City also has no urgency to release its flagship striker. However, Haaland’s agent, Rafaela Pimenta, indicated that he would not rule out a transfer for his client.

“Our clients know that we always give them clear options to choose their own future,” said Rafaela Pimenta to AS.

According to AS, Madrid has hopes of getting Haaland. Because the price of 200 million euros set for Haaland only applies to Premier League clubs.

If clubs outside England are interested in Haaland, the price is said to be ‘closer to 100 million euros than 200 million euros’. This figure is considered affordable for Madrid.

However, Real Madrid It is said that there is no rush to bring it in Erling Haaland. However, one thing is certain that Madrid wants to recruit a Galactico for their attack line.

Watch the video “Hot rumors that Mbappe will join Madrid surface again”


2024-01-08 15:20:20
#Real #Madrid #Tempted #Erling #Haalands #Affordable #Price


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