Rajon Rondo: From the NBA Court to the Criminal Courts

01/30/2024 11:55hs.

The former player of the NBA, Rajon Rondo, is not going through its best moment. Despite being retired, the 37-year-old former point guard is in the spotlight for being involved in a new conflict. Over the weekend he was arrested for misdemeanors: illegal possession by one arma and equipment for drug consumption, including, marihuana.

Rondo was arrested on Sunday in Jackson County, Indiana, United States, after authorities stopped him for a traffic violation. During the stop, officers were able to locate his vehicle and discovered a gun inside. Furthermore, Sgt. Stephen Wheeles was able to detect the presence of marijuana due to its strong odor, which led to the former player’s arrest.

The police acted immediately and Rondo was taken to a jail in Jackson County. There he paid a large sum of money as bail to be released. The American television network WDRB reported that the former player of Los Angeles Lakerswho was champion in 2020, had a restraining order against him prohibiting him from possessing weapons.

The crimes for which Rondo faced charges

However, this has a background that is strongly linked to this episode. Rondo had been accused of domestic violence in the past, and in 2022 he was reported for threatening a woman with a weapon. The woman, who has not been publicly identified, stated that the former Celtics had threatened her with a gun at her home in Los Angeles, and that she feared for her and her children’s safety.

The woman also claimed that Rondo has a history of domestic violence, although she did not provide specific details about previous incidents. The complaint was filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court and a temporary restraining order was filed prohibits approaching the woman and her children. The order also prevents him from possessing firearms and It is precisely the reason why he ends up being arrested.

Finally, the complaint has not escalated and Rondo has not suffered the consequences. But this is not the first incident in which he has been accused of violence. In 2008, when he was playing for the Boston Celtics, he was arrested and charged of attack his girlfriend in a Boston hotel. However, the charges were dropped after the woman refused to testify against her.

The truth behind the playing field

Rondo knew how to be in the big leagues. He played in the NBA for 16 seasons and had his last step in the Lakers and the Cavaliers in the 2021-22 season. He was selected to the All-Star Game four times and won the NBA championship twice, first in 2008 with the Boston Celtics and then in 2020 with the Lakers.

The 37-year-old former basketball player, known for his NBA career, is currently in a difficult situation. Despite having retired from it, his name continues to be mentioned in the media, not because of his achievements on the court, but because of his personal problems.

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2024-01-30 14:55:06
#twotime #NBA #champion #arrested #possession #weapons #drugs #Olé


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