Rafael Nadal Forced to Sit Out 2024 Australian Open Due to Injury

This Sunday, January 7, the 2024 Australian Open began and among the many tennis figures who will be present, Rafael Nadal was undoubtedly one of the most important. However, the Spaniard will not be able to participate due to a muscle tear, according to himself.

On his Instagram account, the athlete wrote: “During my last game in Brisbane I had a small problem in a muscle which, as you know, worried me. Once I arrived in Melbourne I had the opportunity to have an MRI and I have a micro tear in a muscle.”

Confirming his absence in Australia, the European stated: “Right now I am not ready to compete at the highest level of demand in 5 games. Therefore, I return to Spain to see my doctor, receive treatment and rest”also clarifying: “I have worked very hard during the year for this return and as I always mentioned my goal is to be at my best level in 3 months.”

“Within the sad news for me not being able to play in front of the incredible Melbourne crowds, this is not very bad news and we all remain positive with the evolution of the season”Nadal reflected on the event, referring to the fact that this trauma is a new one and not one that happened in the same area where he was injured in the past, something that was suspected.

The winner of 22 Grand Slams is 37 years old and this number is what makes the specter of retirement present recently. However, he himself revealed to the press: “If I told you that 2024 will be my last year…who knows. What if suddenly my body recovers and I feel strong and full of energy to continue? As soon as I know the answer, I will share it with you. I live day by day” .

“I can’t confirm it 100%. I do it with a completely natural exercise, I don’t even know. Will it be my last year? There is a good chance that it will, because I see how my body is… but I don’t know how it’s going “I’ll be there in three or four months. I’m always open to what the future may bring.”he finished.

2024-01-08 15:34:13
#Rafael #Nadal #play #Australian #Open


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