Potsdam Sports Club Takes Action Against Right-Wing Infiltration

Potsdam (dpa/bb) – After the boxing training of suspected right-wing hooligans, the Potsdam sports club SV Motor Babelsberg wants to better recognize right-wing tendencies in the future and take action against them. This Monday there will be consultations with right-wing extremism experts from the Brandenburg Demos Institute for Community Advisory Services, announced the first chairman of the sports club, Daniel Keller, who is also the SPD parliamentary group leader in Potsdam.

The aim will be to better recognize anti-constitutional attitudes and trends and to sensitize the more than 40 trainers in a later training course. Discussions with sports associations are also planned. “The sports world must take the danger of clubs being infiltrated seriously; this will probably increase in the future,” Keller told the dpa.

In December it became known that members of the right-wing hooligan scene were also said to have trained in the boxing department of the SV Motor Babelsberg club. Keller said the information he had was credible. The club had relieved the coach of his duties and emphasized that right-wing extremist tendencies would not be tolerated.

Right-wing extremist incidents had also recently become known at the USC university sports club in Frankfurt (Oder). According to the state sports association, these are isolated cases.

In the future, the club will prohibit the wearing of anti-constitutional symbols and clothing through house rules, said Keller. “We have no opportunity to check members’ attitudes or attitudes to the rule of law when they join.”

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Brandenburg assumes that right-wing extremists always want to gain a foothold in regular sports clubs and martial arts groups. According to the Interior Ministry, right-wing extremist efforts sometimes show a very high affinity for martial arts.

According to its own information, SV Motor Babelsberg has 1,095 members in 14 departments. Judo is the largest department with 400 members, boxing has around 70 members.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240106-99-509186/2

2024-01-06 09:16:31
#Extremism #Potsdam #Sports #club #Potsdam #recognize #rightwing #tendencies #Politics


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