Outcry in Ciampino as Middle Schools Merge: Parents Demand Autonomy

Published: Friday, 12 January 2024 – Current affairs editorial team

CIAMPINO (current events) – The ax of school sizing has also hit Ciampino, in a completely irrational way, with the merger of the Umberto Nobile middle school with the Leonardo Da Vinci middle school and the establishment of a comprehensive institute with two sections of nursery school, one of elementary school and a single lower secondary school with over 1200 students and 17 sections

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“Misdeeds, or things done badly, arrive when you least expect it and strike blindly. And it was like this, between a cotechino and a panettone, that the Ciampino families discovered what the Region had reserved for them for the new year: a unique, gigantic middle school, with over 1200 students who, together with the two sections of nursery school and a primary school student, will form this monstrous comprehensive school with a very small head and an enormous body. The best that the Lazio regional council managed to produce with resolution no. 5 of 4 January 2024″ begin parents of the Umberto Nobile middle school in Ciampino.

“With schools closed, teachers on holiday, families scattered across Italy celebrating the Christmas that makes us all better. But, evidently, not all of them. The reaction of us parents was to be victims of some mischievous Grinch. With a step backwards, the school community had remained with what was agreed by the permanent conference for education of the Lazio region, called by the regional councilor for schools, on 19 December 2023 with which it was expected to carry out the sizing in the 2025 school year -2026. We ask ourselves, therefore, why deny ourselves? Why decide without having listened to the proposals of local actors? Was there really no other alternative that took into account the territory, the peculiarities, the specificities of the two secondary schools? How can the two teaching clubs be transformed into comprehensive institutions if the two middle schools have become a single institution? The families of the 600 students of the Umberto Nobile middle school are extremely worried about what will be the future of a school that has, over the years, been able to be a point of reference for the Ciampino reality. The lack of alternative, of direction, of specificity with the establishment of a single, unbalanced, comprehensive institution represents the worst solution of all those that could and should have been found in the supreme interest of the students. For this reason, the citizens of Ciampino, the parents of the students, will stand alongside the school and local institutions for any initiative aimed at preserving the autonomy of the Umberto Nobile middle school” conclude the mothers and fathers.

2024-01-12 14:21:14
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