Olympics, Santanchè on the bobsleigh track: “You journalists write bullshit”. Then he tells two falsehoods

“Every now and then you too journalists write about those fuck you that half is enough.” The Minister of Tourism, Daniela Santanchèimmediately warmed up when, speaking at the International Forum of Italian Tourism in Genoa, the question of bob track for them Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics. The work that was supposed to be born in Cortina, where Santanché also wanted to build a airport and where with the group His majesty the friend Flavio Briatore and his partner Dimitri Kunz they manage the historic restaurant “Camineto”, until now it has remained in a drawer for unavailability from the businesses to take on the construction of a complex track in a short time. When the idea of ​​bobsledding in Cortina seemed to have finally ended, the minister stepped in Matteo Salvini who proposed a light project.

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Olympics, the bobsleigh track in Cortina and the mayor’s nightmares: “Due to the commitments made, we risk the municipality defaulting”

Interview by the director of The sun 24 hours Fabio Tamburini, Santanché promises: “We’ll make the bobsleigh track Italia, director was left behind, I’m surprised.” The minister then accuses the press of writing “bullshit”. In reconstructing the story, however, you are right due falsehood. The first: “But does it seem to you that a government like ours creates a bobsleigh track Germania e in Swiss“. Obviously, the construction of a track outside the Italian borders was never even a hypothesis. Simply, as the International Olympic Committeethe possibility of taking part in the Olympic bobsleigh, luge and skeleton races still exists an existing system abroad. In practice, “renting” a bobsleigh track for the Games, saving around 100 million euros and avoiding the risk of building a cathedral in the desert.

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Milan-Cortina 2026 Olympics, the IOC also nips the ‘light project’ of the bobsleigh track wanted by Salvini: “The existing structures are enough”

The Milan-Cortina Foundation, president Giovanni Malagò, must decide by the end of January which option to choose. It is the deadline set by the IOC. And on this point, Minister Santanché makes a second incorrect statement: “When will the envelopes we’ll see if it’s better Cortina’s offer and better that of Cesana. We are Italian and proud of it and we will build the bobsleigh track in Italy.” The Foundation will not have to open any envelopes, but evaluate the dossier of the projects which already has on the table (including those arriving from Switzerland, Germany and other countries). The envelopes to which Santanché is probably referring, instead they only concern the Cortina track: the deadline expires on January 18th at 12pm flash announcement on the light bob project wanted by Salvini. In practice, we will find out if it exists now at least one business available to build the work. Only in this case can the Cortina option be taken into consideration again. But Cesana’s option (which now seems to have been set aside) has absolutely nothing to do with the envelopes.

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2024-01-17 13:31:01
#Olympics #Santanchè #bobsleigh #track #journalists #write #bullshit #tells #falsehoods


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