Ministry of Health and Welfare Revises Physical Activity Guidelines for Koreans: Emphasizes Need for Increased Exercise

Ministry of Health and Welfare revises ‘Physical Activity Guidelines for Koreans’

Adults should exercise at moderate intensity for 2.5 to 5 hours a week.


[헤럴드경제=이태형 기자]One in two Koreans is not engaging in as much physical activity as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). In recent years, the rate of performing recommended physical activities has decreased, leading to calls for moderate exercise and reduced time spent sitting in chairs.

According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s ‘Physical Activity Guidelines for Koreans’ on the 6th, WHO recommends that adults engage in more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or more than 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic physical activity per week. A goal is set for adolescents to engage in at least one hour of moderate-to-high-intensity physical activity every day.

72% of adults around the world are practicing this, but in Korea, the practice rate was only 47.9% as of 2021, which is more than 20 percentage points lower than the global average.

It was 58.3% in 2015, but it fell by 10.4 percentage points in 6 years.

The ‘Physical Activity Guidelines for Koreans’ recommends that adults aged 19 to 64 engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 minutes of high-intensity physical activity per week, and to engage in strength training at least two days per week. recommended.

Additionally, it was recommended that seniors over 65 years of age should do balance exercises at least three times a week in addition to these recommendations.

Moderate-intensity physical activities include ▷ brisk walking (less than 6 km/h) ▷ housework ▷ bathing children or pets ▷ hiking (low incline) ▷ riding a bicycle (less than 16 km/h) ▷ golf ▷ practicing racket sports such as tennis, badminton, and table tennis ▷ Light dancing, etc.

High-intensity physical activities include moving heavy objects such as boxes or furniture, running, mountain climbing (high slopes or heavy backpacks), riding a bicycle (over 16 km/h), playing racket sports, dancing vigorously, and high-intensity interval training.

Children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 are recommended to engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day, and to engage in high-intensity physical activity, physical activity helpful for healthy bone growth, and strength training at least three days a week.

It was suggested that pregnant women should engage in 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, and disabled people should engage in high-intensity physical activity at least three days a week.

Regardless of age, etc., the content that ‘sitting time during the day should be minimized as much as possible’ was also commonly included.

It was suggested to reduce the time spent sitting for watching TV or using computers and smartphone devices and to use that time to engage in physical activity.

The guideline said, “As indoor work and leisure activities increase, awareness of the need for physical activity and opportunities to participate are decreasing,” adding, “This is a cause of various diseases, resulting in a global cost of approximately 76 trillion won per year due to lack of physical activity.” He pointed out, “This is being spent on medical expenses, and the number of deaths is increasing, resulting in a productivity loss of 20 trillion won.”

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2024-01-07 01:08:56
#people #physical #activity #recommended #WHO.. #Impact #increased #indoor #activity #ZUM #News


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