Mario Basler Criticizes Schalke 04 Officials and Defends Clemens Tönnies: “A New Wind is Needed”


Mario Basler takes a hard line against Schalke 04. © Osnapix/Imago

Mario Basler dealt heavily against the S04. The ex-kicker sharply criticizes those responsible for the club. But he also finds positive words.

Gelsenkirchen – There has been a high fluctuation at Schalke in recent years. Among those shot was Clemens Tönnies.

Mario Basler shoots against Schalke officials – and defends Clemens Tönnies

The entrepreneur initially worked as a member of the supervisory board and then as chairman of the supervisory board. He left his position in 2020 after more than 25 years with the club. The beginning of the end for FC Schalke 04, says Mario Basler.

“I think it’s a shame what happened to Tönnies and what they did to him at Schalke,” said Basler recently in his podcast “Basler ballert”. The ex-kicker believes that Tönnies was treated unfairly, especially after his financial support.

Marios Basler: Without Clemens Tönnies things went downhill for Schalke

Basler is harsh on the S04. “People thought without him (Tönnies, editor’s note) is it getting better. No, things have gotten much, much worse without him.”

The former German international goes even further. “What happened there, what was done after Tönnies, who was chased away. People thought that the super-smart people were at work and that these super-smart people drove the car even worse into the mud.”

Video: Clemens Tönnies – the eternal shadow over Schalke 04

Despite all the criticism of Schalke 04 and those responsible for the club, Basler also finds positive words. He sees the hiring of Marc Wilmots as Schalke sporting director as a step in the right direction.

Schalke 04: Mario Basler is enthusiastic about the hiring of Marc Wilmots

“With Wilmots we have brought back someone who knows the club inside and out,” said Basler about Wilmots, who played for the “Knappen” between 1996 and 2000 and won the UEFA Cup with the S04 in 1997. “He came straight away with a big announcement: If you don’t sprint, you’ll fly or if you don’t keep up, you can go.”

The harsh tone was “a bit surprising,” but also necessary. “There needs to be a new wind at Schalke,” emphasized Basler.

Schalke 04: Mario Basler wants changes in the team

The Bundesliga relegated team is also faced with a fight against relegation in League 2. The S04 is in 14th place in the table after the first half of the season and is only three points ahead of the relegation place.

“It was clear that something had to happen at Schalke,” Basler continued. “I would perhaps have liked more that a little something would happen in the team, because it would be dramatic if Schalke were to go down a class again.”

2024-01-11 03:58:00
#Basler #shoots #Schalke #officials #defends #Tönnies


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