Lucinda Brand Determined to Compete in Dutch National Championship Despite Broken Nose

Update at the bottom – She seemed to be on her way to victory in Zonhoven last year. After all, there was no limit to a very strong Lucina Brand, but in the third round things suddenly went wrong.

For example, the Dutch woman had a hard fall after a descent and was unable to prevent herself from falling on her nose. The same nose that was also suggested after the Tour de Femmes. Brand and her team Baloise Trek Lions immediately panicked.

The fear of a broken nose was immediate, but even more so after words from Sven Nys. “You see and feel a kink in the nose and it is also crooked,” he said. There is no certainty yet (in the meantime there is, update at the bottom, ed.), but we can already draw some conclusions.

No National Championships, what about World Cup?

Based on the above diagnosis, we indeed seem to be talking about a broken nose, and this would have serious consequences for Brand’s season. Next weekend’s National Championship seems like a utopia anyway, but the World Cup in Tabor would also suddenly be in jeopardy.

After all, recovery from a broken nose can certainly take at least two weeks. That period can also last longer, and breathing through the nose will also cause problems. With the World Cup already on February 3 and 4, it will be a fight against the clock.

Update: Broken nose, but Brand definitely wants to go to the National Championships

As expected, Lucinda Brand does indeed have a broken nose. However, she and her Baloise Trek Lions team still want to take a medical risk. After all, the Dutchwoman wants to compete for the Dutch title next weekend, as can be read in a message from the team.

“X-ray examination showed that Lucinda’s nose is broken, but she can breathe freely and there are no medical risks associated with cycling. She is therefore determined to participate in the Dutch championships in Hoogeveen next Sunday.” Brand will even drive without a face mask. Still quite doubtful whether this is such a good idea.

But the rider herself confirms via Instagram that this is indeed the intention. “That nasty fall left me with a broken nose. But since I can breathe normally, no further treatment is necessary. And that means that I am very much looking forward to heading to the National Championships! I am overwhelmed by the messages from all of you. I appreciate that support me enormously,” it sounds there.


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