Local Winners of Selfie Competition Awarded Prizes

It was also an opportunity to award prizes to the winners of the selfie competition, “in sports mode” this year, due to the Olympic year which is looming, with, as the mayor recalled, the passage of the flame in Confolens on Friday May 24. Lucas Legros (ball-trap), Léonice and Manon Guignandon (tennis club), Thylann and Lowan Cadier-Casimir (Cycling Union) and the U11 GJLAC16 (Christmas hats) won places to attend professional sporting events . And cinema tickets were offered to the Confolentais judo club, to Léna Guehery, Sacha Ramat, Lilou Beaulieu, Axel Leduque and Zoé Michelet.

2024-01-19 10:39:48
#Confolens #prize #beautiful #Christmas #window #awarded #Café #Gare


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