Life as a Full-Time Working Baseball Mom: Balancing Work, Housework, and Children’s Activities

We asked a mother who works full time about the secret to balancing youth baseball with work and housework.

Miyazaki is a mother who works hard. She works full time from Monday to Friday. His eldest son is a second-year junior high school student who plays on the hardball baseball team, and his second son is an elementary school student who plays on the after-school baseball team. There are practices and games every weekend. Hardball baseball teams practice on weekday nights, and after-school baseball teams also have more practice days as they get older. We asked Mr. Miyazaki about how he balances his job with being a baseball mom.

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“Friday nights are the time when you can finally relax after working.However, in the beginning, you have to keep an eye on your two children’s baseball schedules and think about what time you need to wake up and what to have for lunch the next day.” Then, I was only worrying about the arrangements.”

The junior high school hardball team often starts early in the morning, and I worry about whether I’ll be able to wake up, so I sometimes cut back on the amount of alcohol I drink at night.

“The stress of not being able to drink even though I want to drink,” Mr. Miyazaki said in a whisper, but he shrugged his shoulders and said that the most difficult time was when his older child joined the baseball team.

“It took me a while to get used to the fact that my older and younger children had different schedules. They each had their own LINE groups, and there was a huge amount of LINE, so it was difficult to understand and plan the next day. At first, it took time to divide the roles with my husband.”

It’s definitely hard for everyone at first. When I first joined the team, I didn’t know much about the team. Don’t forget the time, don’t be late for the game. What about your lunch? What size is the water bottle? Should I accompany you just in case? The more I think about it, the more I can’t stay asleep. But that’s only the beginning. “You’ll get used to it, and you’ll get better at it as you go along. In fact, I think you just have to do it as much as you can,” says Miyazaki.

“Right now, I don’t think too much about it, and after I send my eldest son off, I’m like, “Okay!” and check my second son’s schedule.”

I don’t try too hard for my lunch. I heat up the food I made last night and stuff it with rice. Retort food and things like ○○ ingredients are also very useful.

Understand the family’s actions and move them through the day

As children grow older, the schedules of adults and children become inconsistent. If you have siblings, your living hours will also change. It can be difficult to balance not only baseball, but also other lessons and cram school. In Miyazaki’s case, “Right after an online meeting, I often make dinner for my eldest son, who goes to practice on weekday nights.”

For example, I’m sure there are many scenes like this.

While doing household chores, she exclaims, “So? What about homework?” and soothes a half-crying child who says, “I don’t have any games!” He catches the older child who is trying to hide it as a prank and scolds him, saying, “Don’t worry about it!” He calls out to his younger brother, who is still in tears, “We’re going to practice in the schoolyard, so go get changed.” When her husband returns home, he asks her about her weekend plans and allocates her responsibilities.

It is very difficult to keep track of the activities of the entire family and keep them moving throughout the day.

“As you get used to it, you’ll develop a pattern like this when there’s a game, and this when it’s raining, and you’ll be able to jump into action.At first, you’ll be thinking about the steps all the time, but gradually you’ll understand. Well, the rest is fine.”

It’s not just Mr. Miyazaki, but all the moms of youth baseball players across the country (sometimes they’re dads or even grandmas), who control their families with their “excellent management skills.”

“It’s a shame that I can’t drink as much as I can on Friday night.”

Mr. Miyazaki told me secretly. “But, the amount of alcohol I drink on weekdays has been increasing little by little, and it seems like I’m finding a balance naturally,” he says with a big-hearted laugh. It’s good to see your mother smiling. In order for her mother to smile, it may be important for her to have a strong enough heart to open up to herself no matter what.

It’s OK to say “I can’t” when it’s impossible…it’s just right to say “I can’t do it”.

Mr. Miyazaki seems to be handling the overwhelming chores with ease, but apparently that is not the case. I can’t do what I can’t do, and he says, “I don’t go to every game. I just go when I want and when I can.”

Through trial and error, once you’ve settled on the family’s “way of doing things,” it becomes much easier. Rather than thinking too hard about balancing work, housework, and youth baseball, he says, “As I do things in a random manner, things start to settle down.”

This boy baseball player originally worked in corporate public relations, but became independent and became president. When I told him that he was great at work and raising children, Mr. Miyazaki smiled wryly and shook his head.

“I work from Monday to Friday and spend my Saturdays and Sundays playing baseball. On Mondays, I can be physically exhausted.”

Mr. Miyazaki is a natural. He says he doesn’t think he needs to go because it’s a game. I go because I want to go. If I can’t go, I won’t go. You don’t have to be perfect at everything related to children, not just baseball.

“It’s just enough to think that it will work out somehow, rather than saying, ‘I’ll do something about it.'” I would like to share Mr. Miyazaki’s words with the mothers of young baseball players who are working hard all over the country.

(Rei Ohashi)

2024-01-19 22:46:25
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