‘Let’s Play Without Borders – Festival of Associations’ Returns to Toscanella di Dozza for Eighth Edition

‘Let’s Play Without Borders – Festival of Associations’ Returns to Toscanella di Dozza for Eighth Edition

On Saturday, in the sports field of Toscanella di Dozza, it will once again be time for ‘Let’s play without borders – Festival of associations’. The event on 9 September, now in its eighth edition and organized by the municipality in collaboration with the association council, was created with the aim of spreading the values ​​linked to sport, sociality and integration.

A splendid showcase for the many realities that make up the local association and sports mosaic which, starting from 2.30 pm, will meet in the via Nenni facility among stands, music, shows, demonstration performances and attractions.

A great opportunity for families in the area to get to know, in one fell swoop, the wide range of thematic proposals aimed at the community. From basketball to fencing through martial arts, football and volleyball. But also open dance lessons, yoga and workshops for children. Without forgetting the commitment to disabled people, which in recent weeks has also brought the handbike project of the Omnia Imola cycling club to Toscanella, together with the Montecatone Onlus Foundation.

Among the guests, in fact, the Paralympic shooting athletes Massimo Croci and Giovanni Bertani are expected. In this vein, those who are more attentive will remember, in the hamlet overlooking the Via Emilia, love at first sight struck between the champion Stefano Travisani and archery. A bridge of hope, in terms of restarting after those accidents that change people’s lives forever, which connects the Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute with Dozza. With a super surprise: the arrival of Simone Cerasuolo. The swimmer of the Italian national team, fresh European Under 23 champion in the 50m breaststroke and continental silver medalist among the big names in 2022, will be the testimonial of the event.

The 20-year-old from Imola, part of the Fiamme Oro Sports Group and a member of Imolanuoto, is one of the most interesting protagonists of the specialty with a place among the top ten breaststroke athletes in the world over the distance of 50 meters in the pool. An illustrious presence, after the huge crowd paid last year to the footballer Giuseppe Signori complete with the DozzAmbassador honour, which confirms the rise of the initiative beyond the borders of the village. Gadgets and discounts on drinks up for grabs for the most active participants, who will collect the seals of their performances on a special postcard, and the start of the ‘Avis Color Race’.

“A now tested format that has been developed over time on the basis of a project conceived by our administration in 2015 – announced by the town hall in via XX Settembre -. The possibility of putting the local excellence in the cultural and sporting fields under the spotlight with the strengthening of synergies between the individual associations. All to create a container that winks at the community”. A significant organizational commitment: “Thanks go to Luana Vittuari – they conclude -. She is our delegate for the realization of the event and has been at the forefront for weeks for the success of the event”.

2023-09-05 07:00:00
#Lets #play #borders #swimming #shooting #champions #sport #associations


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