Judo and MGA FiJLKAM: Promoting Martial Arts and Self-Defense in Schools

Around 200 boys from the Liceo Sperimentale Statale Alfano I of Salerno, from third to fifth grade, took turns during the open day organized on the Salerno Judo tatami, practicing with the Lionti (father and son), Michele and Angelo, this morning, Judo and MGA FiJLKAM.

The Salerno amateur sports association has been offering Federal disciplines for years, in every possible area, location. Schools, obviously, are primary objectives in their worthy work of territorial dissemination.

The Regional President, Antonio Bracciante and the Sector President (Judo), Bruno D’Isanto, obviously pleased with such profusion, invite the sports associations under their control to take an example and work towards this, especially considering the cascading benefits of martial arts “with the blue sticker” on student generations. This, also embracing the federal directives which rightly aim at educational institutions of all levels.

By now, pedagogues, psychologists and doctors in general have recognized official support for sport and martial arts, recognizing the right balance, physical and mental, in the development of the human being and the civic and society, school and family.

The Lionti, accompanied by a group of judokas (some belonging to the same school), in addition to their main discipline, in a delicate social moment (derived, for the most part, from a social/psychological discomfort which has become more acute , in the post pandemic), have given “voice” and practice, also to the Global Self-Defense Method (MGA) of FiJLKAM, providing basic and effective examples, for the introduction of a broad-spectrum “defense system”, which has ministerial recognition. The method, which has roots, methodology and bases its applications, in a transversal manner, among all federal disciplines, is already in use by various Police Forces, Armed Forces, easily adaptable and practicable, and is also based on principles of psychology , legality, self-defense. Michele and Angelo, in addition to being Federal Judo Technicians, have also acquired mastery of the method, bringing it back to the wider audience of all interested neophytes.

Luigi Di Maio, Regional Trustee of the MGA FiJLKAM, applauded the initiative and accepted the invitation to attend the demonstration carried out.

We welcome initiatives of this kind which, at least, by reaching young people, give directions to sports practice and, if interested, to the knowledge of martial arts, which have long been freed, fortunately, from the mental taboos (especially family ones) to which they were relegated, thanks to a backward cinematographic propaganda that praised “violence” only on film and which, instead, did so much harm to these disciplines which have very different foundations and values, useful among other things for what, Education Civic, he says, in his incipit of daily living and coexistence among people. Certainly, real support for education, growth and development, for the reference entities (Family and School) (LdM).

2024-01-31 20:33:27
#Judo #Salerno #MGA #FiJLKAM #Alfano


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