Josh Allen: The Most Valuable Player in the NFL this Year

Josh Allen won’t even be named to the Pro Bowl this year, but he is, in my eyes, the most valuable player to his team this year.

What an extraordinary “babe”, full of talent, full of flaws, but what a spectacular player.

At 6’6 and 260 lbs, there’s no one on the planet capable of doing what he does on a football field.

If Josh Allen plays his next games like last night, I don’t see why the Bills can’t win the Super Bowl.

The NFL disappointed me this year.

With all the efforts that are invested to improve the offensive spectacle, in my eyes as a connoisseur and amateur, I am left wanting more.

Lots of questionable calls, poor quarterback play, coaches who don’t really seem to know what they’re doing…

Through all of this, there was one superb surprise, that of the Houston Texans.

A year after Lovie Smith won the final game of the season and prevented the Texans from being drafted first, analysts considered them one of the worst organizations in the NFL despite their young franchise and the success they had under Bill O’Brien , André Johnson and JJ Watt…

They managed to do in one year, what the Jets cannot do, the Patriots, the Giants, and many others…

We must return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

Are the Texans one of the best organizations in the league? Maybe not. Were they able to pivot quickly and trust the right guy in Demeco Ryan and CJ Stroud? Yes.

And a year later, they find themselves in the playoffs.

I truly believe that the 14 best teams in the NFL this year are the 14 that made the playoffs.

But very excited to see who can show consistency in the next month, when absolutely no one other than the Ravens managed to do it this year.

Good start to the series!

2024-01-09 01:11:57
#Valuable #Player #showed


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