Jordan Stolz: A Rising Star in Speed Skating

For those who follow skating a little, Jordan Stolz is no longer an unknown one. At the World Championships last year, he immediately won three world titles at the age of 18, in the 500, 1000 and 1500 meters.

Stolz proved in Salt Lake City that this was no fluke. He had to leave the track quite early, but the tension was quickly gone. No one touched the American’s dizzying 1’05″37.

This makes Stolz 32 hundredths faster than Pavel Kulizhnikov at the 2020 World Cup, also on the fast track in Utah.

It was also a memorable competition for Mathias Vosté, as he set his personal bar to 1’07″47, an improvement on his national record that he skated 3 years ago (1’07″75). With his time, Vosté finished 9th.


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