Isaiah Hartenstein Leads New York Knicks to Fourth Consecutive Win in NBA

Isaiah Hartenstein Leads New York Knicks to Fourth Consecutive Win in NBA

Washington (dpa) – A brilliant basketball professional Isaiah Hartenstein led the New York Knicks to their fourth win in a row in the North American professional league NBA.

The German center scored eight points in the 121:105 (63:43) win over the Washington Wizards and excelled with 19 rebounds, 17 of which were under his own basket. Julius Randle with 39 points and James Brunson, who had 33 points, had an even better record for the team from the Big Apple. With 21 wins, the Knicks are on course for the playoffs.

48 points and 17 rebounds from top star Giannis Antetokounmpo were not enough for the Milwaukee Bucks: The Greek’s team lost to the Houston Rockets 108:112 (43:59). Despite their third loss in the last four games, the Bucks are still the second-best team in the East.

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2024-01-07 06:37:54
#Basketball #Hartenstein #rebounds #Knicks #playoffs #NBA #Sports


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