Invitation to the State Judo Preselective for Young Athletes in Aguascalientes

The Sports Institute of the State of Aguascalientes invites young athletes aged 5 years and older to participate in the state judo preselective, on the way to the Conade 2024 National Games. The competitions in various categories will take place on Sunday, January 21 at the Calvillo Municipal Poliforum. This process will select the most outstanding athletes in the state for participation at the national level, highlighting local talent and reinforcing the sports representation of Aguascalientes.
Registration will be open until 30 minutes before the official weigh-in of each category, with a fee of $50.00 (fifty pesos) intended to cover the expenses of the event. The sports community is invited to both participate and witness the skill and commitment of the competitors in this qualifying stage.
Athletes must compete in the category corresponding to their age and year of birth, without the option of participating in categories other than the one assigned. All those qualified for the state stage must possess, at least, the degree of Yon Kyu (orange ribbon). During the qualification process, it will not be necessary to present proof of affiliation to national sports federations or associations.
For coaches and delegates, it is essential to be included in the registration card and have the endorsement of the Municipal Body of Physical Culture and Sports. Additionally, the competition personnel of the Aguascalientes state judo team must have completed and passed a sports training certification course of at least 20 hours. Prior to registration in the final national stage, they must present an approved certification on the Adel by WADA platform.
The Aguascalientes Sports Institute, recognizing the recent progress and achievements in this discipline, appreciates the constant support of the sports community towards judo. An event full of dynamism and competitive spirit is expected, in order to select the most outstanding athletes who will worthily represent the state.

2024-01-19 15:09:00
#Calvillo #receive #visions #Judo #preselective


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