Inter-Verona, referee Fabbri and Var Nasca will be stopped


For Aia it was a clear mistake not to have sanctioned Bastoni’s intervention on Duda before the 2-1

06 gen 2024


The Inter-Verona match officials continue, and will continue for a long time, to make a lot of noise. In particular the work of referee Fabbri and Var Nasca. According to what we learn, given what happened on the pitch and the subsequent attacks by Hellas Sogliano’s sporting director at the end of the match, both will be stopped for the next races. For Aia, in detail, not having sanctioned Bastoni’s intervention on Duda shortly before Frattesi’s 2-1 goal was a clear mistake.

For Fabbri and Nasca it is not a total rejection or a suspension by the referees, but only a temporary precautionary stop. As soon as they return, however,
will remain under observation. Certainly, their work was not liked at all, also due to some thorny precedents. == ‘amp-already-voted-poll’)[0].value == ‘true’ || hideButton == ‘true'” on=”tap:sample-poll75457931.submit”> VOTA e GUARDA I RISULTATI == ‘amp-already-voted-poll’)[0].value != ‘true’ || showGoToPoll == ‘show’ || hideButton == ‘true'” on=”tap:AMP.setState({showPopupError: ‘true’, showGoToPoll: ‘show’, openedPopup: ‘true’})”>VOTA e GUARDA I RISULTATI


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2024-01-06 22:32:58
#InterVerona #referee #Fabbri #Var #Nasca #stopped


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