In Memoriam: Remembering the Public Figures We Lost in 2023

RETROSPECTIVE – Since the end of October, Hollywood has mourned the sudden death of Matthew Perry, who made millions of viewers laugh in Friends. He was 54 years old. More recently, the actor from another American sitcom also disappeared: Andre Braugher, Captain Holt of Brooklyn 99 who suffered from lung cancer.

Like them, many public figures have died this year. French viewers also said goodbye to two well-known faces from the small screen: actress Marion Game, who played Huguette in Scenes of householdsand the actor Michel Cordes, the Roland Marci of More beautiful life. The PAF lost leading figures with the disappearance of journalist and writer Claude Sarraute on June 20, and that of Jean-Pierre Elkabbach, famous political interviewer, on October 3.

In the four corners of the world, fans ofHarry Potter were moved by the death of their Dumbledore, actor Michael Gambon, on September 28.

And on the music scene, several great voices have stopped singing: the King’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley, the American David Crosby, the rock diva Tina Turner, the Franco-British icon Jane Birkin, and the Irish activist Sinéad O’Connor have all died this year.

In 2023, Sister André should have celebrated her 119th candle. The oldest of humanity died on January 17, less than a month before her birthday.

The video at the top of the article looks back at the most notable disappearances of the year 2023.

VIDEO – Death of Tom Wilkinson: The Full Monty and Batman Begins actor was 75

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2023-12-30 08:00:00
#Jane #Birkin #Matthew #Perry #JeanPierre #Elkabbach #personalities #died


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