In 2024 there will be no increase in the price of tortillas: López Obrador – El Sol de México

In 2024 there will be no increase in the price of tortillas: López Obrador – El Sol de México

Andrés Manuel López Obrador thanked businessmen and food merchants for the effort they make to prevent their costs from increasing and said that there is a commitment from Maseca, the main producer of corn dough, so that the price of tortillas does not increase during 2024.

At the beginning of his morning conference, held this Monday in Military Zone 17, located in Querétaro, the president said that he thanked the self-service stores for keeping the prices of the basic basket stable, “24 products that were agreed upon to face the inflation, those 24 products were going to cost 1,039 pesos, and as we are seeing, there is competition and on average the basket of 24 products is below 800 pesos,” he indicated.

Likewise, he thanked the industrialists for this effort, and referred to José Antonio González Moreno, president of the Board of Directors of Maseca, for his commitment to not increase the price of tortillas this year.

“On Thursday personally, the owner-president of the Board of Directors of Maseca, which is the main distributor of corn flour for tortillas, made me aware, informed me that this year there will be no increase in the price of corn flour. corn,” he explained.

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Finally, he clarified that he is not applying coercive measures to keep food prices low and thanked businessmen for their efforts to achieve low prices: “inflation must not be allowed. They are not coercive measures, it is the will to help, it is the sum of wills, of efforts for the country to move forward, just commenting on that,” he concluded.

2024-01-22 15:12:05
#increase #price #tortillas #López #Obrador #Sol #México


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