How to eat in the cold? 4 practical strategies |

❄️ HOW TO FEED IN THE COLD? It’s a #askedbyyou at #deejaytrainingcenter.

For training and competitions in a cold but not extreme environment, assuming adequate clothing, a normal diet is sufficient… even if some small changes can help us adapt better.

????CARBOHYDRATES: a small dietary mistake based on foods rich in sugars, such as a dessert, is more than justified if we are exposed to very low temperatures.

????BREAKFAST: not just carbohydrates, remember that protein digestion increases metabolism. This thermic effect is superior to that of ingesting fats and carbohydrates. A #breakfast with a good protein content can lead to a higher increase in body heat (up to 6 hours after ingestion).

???? OMEGA-3: if taken consistently, they improve tolerance to low temperatures as they are components of the membranes.

‼️ CLOTHING AND HYDRATION: pay attention to the layers of clothing and their technical quality, they must allow adequate transpiration to encourage the evaporation of sweat; the cold then causes the perception of thirst to be reduced. The risk, therefore, is to consume less fluids during exercise. Remember to drink!

nutritiontrainingcarbohydratesaskedbyvoiculationDeejay Training CenterDJTCcoldcompeting in the coldhydrationomega-3breakfast

2023-12-10 08:34:00
#eat #cold #practical #strategies


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