Harrie Lavreysen’s Dominance: Three European Championship Gold Medals Show His Brilliance

ANPLavreysen shows off his three European Championship gold medals

NOS Wielrennen•maandag, 15:24

Three times Olympic gold, that is Harrie Lavreysen’s ambitious goal in Paris next summer. But anyone who saw ‘Harrie Hattrick’ dominate at the European Championships in Apeldoorn last weekend has no doubt that it is entirely possible.

With his gold medals in the team sprint, sprint and keirin, Lavreysen once again confirmed that he is the best track cyclist of his generation. The 26-year-old Brabander has dominated the sport for five years.

“I think the best thing about Harrie is that he constantly keeps going,” says Theo Bos, former track cyclist with five world titles and Olympic silver to his name. Lavreysen has already surpassed him in terms of honors list with thirteen world titles and three Olympic medals, two of which are gold.

Bos about ‘Harrie Hattrick’: ‘Never seen someone so dominant’

“I looked at Harrie with admiration again this weekend,” says Bos. “He has shown everyone that he is far and away the best.”

Strength and flexibility

The 40-year-old Bos is currently active as national coach of China. “I sometimes make the mistake of comparing my riders with Harrie. But that is not fair. Because what Harrie can do is unique.”

“He is not only very strong, but combines that with flexibility. That combination is very difficult. Because if you use the weight room a lot, you become stiffer and stiffer. But not Harrie, his balance is very good.”

ANPThe powerful yet flexible legs of Lavreysen on the European Championship podium

Lavreysen may owe that flexible yet strong body to his past as a gymnast. Via BMX he eventually ended up on the track, where he leaves the competition without a chance at speeds of around 80 kilometers per hour.


Those top speeds still frighten mother Loes. On Sunday she saw in the stands in Apeldoorn – wearing an orange hat with flowers – how her son stayed upright and left the rest of Europe without a chance. “I’m always very nervous, afraid that he will fall,” mother Lavreysen says Along the line on NPO Radio 1.

Even his mother is amazed by her Harrie’s consistent top performance. “Before Christmas he gave up the sport for a while and celebrated parties with friends. He can sag quite a bit, but he also knows his limits. He knows how to stop in time.”

“Still, I didn’t think he would be there again. Harrie knows his body very well. He knows when he can loosen the reins for a while and how he can quickly get back to his highest level. And he enjoys winning and the game, every time.”

ANP In Apeldoorn, Lavreysen got the audience on the benches, like here against Jeffrey Hoogland in the semi-final of the sprint

This never-ending drive to win makes his competitors despondent. Jason Kenny, seven-time Olympic champion and currently national coach of Great Britain, has been racking his brains since he took office in 2022 about how on earth the man from Luyksgestel should be beaten.

Head and shoulders

“He is the benchmark at the moment. Harrie is head and shoulders above the rest. There were many good riders in Apeldoorn, but Harrie beat them without a doubt.”

In Paris, Lavreysen will still be the benchmark, Kenny realizes. “Becoming number one is tough, but staying there and proving it time and time again is phenomenal. He has been at the top for so long. You have to have a lot of respect for that. We have to see if and how we can close the gap on the way to can close the Olympics.”

‘Harrie Hattrick’ Lavreysen cheers before crossing the finish line in the European Championship final keirin

“Harrie has been at the top since 2019 and keeps going. He is dominant year in and year out,” Bos praises. “He also competes in the Champions League, the Six Days of Rotterdam and the National Championships. When I saw that program, I told Harrie that the preparation for the Games was quite tricky is.”

“I would say: lay the foundation a little more in training and not too many matches. But somehow this full schedule works out very well for Harrie.”

Bos thinks this is above all good for the sport. “Previously the British were dominant. But they really peaked at the Games and you didn’t actually see them in the meantime.”

Yesterday he outclassed everyone by such a big margin. The competition will have their hearts sunk.

Theo Bos about Harrie Lavreysen

Of course, Lavreysen’s biggest competitor was missing from the European Championships. Australian Matthew Richardson is one of the few who has been able to beat him in recent years.

Three times gold ‘realistic’

Yet Bos calls Lavreysen’s goal of three Olympic gold medals “realistic”. “He is of course dependent on others in the team sprint. But when Roy van den Berg and Jeffrey Hoogland are at their best, the Netherlands is unbeatable.”

“Harrie is the big favorite in the sprint. Gold is of course never a certainty, but I don’t think anyone can beat him. Only the keirin can be difficult.”

“That is also the last part in Paris. Harrie has ridden a lot. You also have real keirin specialists, who are still fresh because they do not participate in the sprint. But yesterday he outclassed everyone by such a big difference. The courage will take have sunk into the shoes of the competition.”


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