Gustavo Costas Contemplates Changing Racing’s Tactical System After Triumphant Trident Emerges

Gustavo Costas in Racing makes it clear that he does not marry anything or anyone. There is no player he feels obligated to play with and no tactical system he clings to. He is far from being classified as a fundamentalist. Although of course he has an idea in his head. Something that represents him and that if he can carry it out it will be much better for him. He knows what these players can give him. Or at least he is clear about his weaknesses and strengths. He watches Acadé every game and doesn’t miss a single one. That is why he is aware of what 2023 was like.

In that aspect, after thinking and analyzing several issues, the preseason began with an idea in mind. The main intention was to use a 4-2-3-1. A tactical system that he understands could fit him perfectly and with which he feels identified to transmit what he knows. However, not being tied to any scheme led him to see other issues. Note that perhaps otherwise he could achieve better performance on the playing field. Something that is key for the Academy coach.

Gustavo Costas has been in Racing for more than a week. Time that served him to meet many players, to see how they are and also to get surprises. And of course in these first days a trident appeared that left him with his mouth open and many good feelings. Three players that when you see them together on the court almost force you to put them on. Besides, what an excitement for any terrestrial. They envelop you and seduce you. Like that aroma of coffee that puts you in a chair to enjoy it. Juanfer Quintero, Roger Martínez and Johan Carbonero and a devastating attack that could not be seen in 2023 due to the winger’s injury.

The idea that Costas begins to analyze for his Racing

The Academy coach knows that with them three up he has many chances to make a difference. The three are in good physical condition, with a complete preseason, They are a deadly weapon for any rival. There is a goal guarantee. That’s why it’s going to be important how I assemble the team if you want all three to be on the court. A 4-2-3-1 with them can be dangerous. It is decisive where Juanfer stands, knowing that he usually throws himself to the right.

Costas in Racing is enthusiastic about the trident. Photo:

As they confided to this portal, after watching several training sessions and getting excited, Gustavo Costas begins to consider changing the scheme he thought for his Racing. And now he has in mind to exploit these three to the maximum in attack and Think about the famous 4-3-3 that Fernando Gago used so much. Of course, the same scheme can have different versions. With the three of them up, the objective will be to find the best way to defend with the other seven. A priori, in the first friendly they will try to test this tactical system and if they see it well, they will give it a go. All of Racing is delighted with Juanfer, Carbonero and Roger Martínez. To pure Colombian rhythm.

2024-01-11 04:20:44
#Costas #change #Racing #Trident #forces..


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