Former NBA All-Star Goran Dragic Announces Retirement and Farewell Event

Former NBA All-Star point guard Goran Dragic recently announced his retirement.

Dragic will hold a farewell event in his native Slovenia this August, but it seems likely that Dragic will continue to be involved in basketball in his second career.

Dragic released the following statement upon his retirement. reports.

Officially retired from professional basketball.

I was able to realize my biggest dream.

I would like to thank the countless people who have made it possible for me to play for so long.

I’m ready for the next challenge.

I want to continue to be involved in the game of basketball.

Because it’s something I love.

I also want to spend as much time as possible raising my children.

Everything has an end, but the dream of basketball will always be with me.

Although Dragic has announced his retirement, he is expected to continue training for his farewell game in August.

If he receives an offer from an NBA team during that time, he will likely retire as a member of that team.

Dragic has said many times that he wants to retire as a member of his former team, the Miami Heat, but how will the Heat react?

2024-01-01 22:27:24
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