Football player freed from rape charges. “The relationship was 95 percent sex” Football

Let us recall: at the end of 2022, the British police initiated an investigation into Jack Diamond playing in the Championship. The Sunderland winger was accused of rape and sexual assault, causing Lincoln City to cut short the player’s loan. But it was supposed to be just a piece of cake compared to what the player was really facing.

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Not only did he end up behind bars, but it is common knowledge how those who lose their freedom due to rape are treated in prison. But Diamond was cleared of the charges.

Sunderland footballer cleared of rape charge

From the beginning, Diamond claimed that he had sex with the woman in his home, but with her consent. According to the BBC, the footballer told the court in Newcastle that it had been an extremely difficult 18 months, but now he feels extremely grateful to his lawyers and his loved ones for their efforts and support.

“The court heard that Diamond and the woman, who wished to remain anonymous, were in a relationship that was 95 percent sexual. In May 2022, the woman went to the footballer’s home to “cuddle”, although she later claimed that the footballer tried force her to have intercourse. However, Diamond’s lawyers convinced the justice that the woman fell in love with the footballer, and when he did not want to engage in a more serious relationship, she became very angry,” we read on

Diamond convinced the court that he met his accuser on Tinder when he was 19 and the two agreed to a casual relationship based primarily on sex.

“The jury of nine women and three men took less than an hour to reach not guilty verdicts in both cases. The audience cheered when the verdict was announced,” the BBC reported.

Diamond is 23 years old today and has played one game in the Championship and 58 in League One, the third level of the league in England.

The star returns after a break of 853 days

Recently, there has been no shortage of footballers accused of rape. It is enough to recall the case of Dani Alves, one of the greatest right defenders in history, who has been behind bars for many months.

But there are also more and more situations like the one with Diamond. Gylfi Sigurdsson, who was cleared of charges of sexual offenses against minors, knows something about this. The Icelandic star returned to the pitch only after a break of 853 days.


Sexual violence is any unwanted sexual contact. According to UNICEF data, approximately 15 million teenagers between 15 and 19 years of age have experienced this type of violence around the world, but only 1 percent of teenagers seek help from a professional. Research shows that 80 percent Rape victims develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

If you are a victim of sexual violence, you can get help by calling, for example, the “Niebieska Linia” Telephone Clinic – 22 668 70 00 (7 days a week, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.) or the 24-hour emergency hotline of the Women’s Rights Center – 600 070 717.

2024-01-08 22:17:00
#Football #player #freed #rape #charges #relationship #percent #sex #Football


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