Fiorentina-Inter 0-1, the usual Lautaro Martinez decides. Nico Gonzalez misses a penalty, Inzaghi overtakes Juventus in the lead

Inter never makes mistakes. Wins 1-0 against Fiorentina, with his 19th league goal Lautaro Martinez (number 124 wearing the Nerazzurri jersey) and gets back into the lead by overtaking Juventus, now at -1. Mission accomplished one week before the direct clash, scheduled at San Siro on Sunday 4 February, against the Bianconeri. The success of Florence arrives without Barella and Calhanoglu in midfield, both disqualified after the final in Riyadh against Napoli. Frattesi and Asllani do not make us regret the absences and then, as mentioned, it is always Lautaro Martinez who leaves his mark. It’s a match that immediately starts uphill for the Viola. Inter waits in their own half and tries to restart. Like when Martinez Fourth he gives a ball to Lautaro, but Terracciano does well to lift it over the crossbar. Fiorentina’s response is in the goal Nzola, but his seal is disallowed for offside. The Nerazzurri strike immediately: Thuram flies to the right, ball in the middle, Faraoni saves on Carlos Augusto. Following the development of the corner, Lautaro Martinez mocks Parisi and heads it home. In the 34th minute Fiorentina forces Sommer to a great save on an attempt by Bonaventura. And on the corner the Viola ask for a penalty for a hold by Bastoni on Ranieri, but the referee Aureliano lets it go. In the second half Fiorentina does not raise the white flag. She is dangerous with Parisi, then she concedes Arnautovic’s doubling, but the Austrian’s goal was also disallowed for offside. Nzola misses two chances, then Sommer is the protagonist, stopping a rigor from Nico Gonzalez.

It ends 1-0 and the Nerazzurri celebrate their return to the top.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#FiorentinaInter #usual #Lautaro #Martinez #decides #Nico #Gonzalez #misses #penalty #Inzaghi #overtakes #Juventus #lead


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