Embracing the End of Winter and Welcoming the Arrival of Spring

All the colors of the cold winter will be waiting for the return of spring

Source: Bianliang Evening News Author: Zhang Zhongpeng Release time: 2024-01-15 07:38:50

All-media reporter Zhang Zhongpeng

This Saturday (January 20) we will usher in the Great Cold solar term, which is the last solar term of the twenty-four solar terms. “It’s exactly one year after the Great Cold.” The Great Cold is the end of severe cold and the beginning of new life. The big cold is approaching, spring is in sight, and we are about to usher in a new year of solar terms.

“Small cold and big cold, the cold becomes a ball.” Like Xiaohan, Dahan is also a solar term that indicates the degree of cold weather. When the severe cold arrives, “the water is swamped and the abdomen is strong.” According to ancient Chinese people, the “freeze” at the beginning of winter is only superficial, like ice on the skin; the “freeze” during the great cold is at the deepest level, like ice in the abdomen. The ice in the water is frozen to the center and is thick and solid. But in extremely cold places, things will turn upside down, and spring water will grow deep in the solid ice.

There is a saying among the people that “the great cold welcomes the New Year”. The new year is approaching, and the flavor of the new year is getting stronger. Pickle dishes, prepare New Year’s goods, sweep the dust, and hope for good luck and the arrival of the New Year. Winter is coming to an end and spring is coming to us. Let us gather the strength to move forward and welcome the warmth of spring together.

Generally speaking, precipitation is scarce during the Great Cold Season, cold waves and strong winds often occur, and the climate is relatively dry. Lou Qi, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine in the city, believes that during the severe cold season, people should pay attention to keeping warm and avoid catching colds, especially patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, so as to survive the cold winter. At the same time, citizens should also go to bed early and get up late to keep their mood comfortable.

In terms of diet, it is advisable to reduce saltiness and increase bitterness to nourish the heart, so that it can not only resist the severe cold, but also store energy. The amount of supplements can be gradually reduced. You can eat more foods such as radish, onion, mustard, lotus root, etc. You can also choose grains, fruits and vegetables that strengthen the spleen, protect the stomach, and replenish qi to regulate the spleen and stomach and nourish the internal organs.

During the cold season, you can exercise both indoors and outdoors. You can do physical exercises such as jogging, Tai Chi, and basketball. However, you should pay attention to the intensity of the exercise and avoid being too intense to avoid disturbing the Yang Qi. Outdoor activities should not be carried out too early, it is better to wait until after sunrise.

2024-01-14 23:45:45
#beauty #cold #winter #waiting #return #spring #Peoples #Livelihood #Kaifeng.com


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