Elmis Castillo is afraid of disappointing, he wants people to see the film first

Panamanian filmmaker Elmis Castillo has just finished filming his most recent film work that he has been title ‘Once upon a time in Panama’ and the film has generated so much expectation and applause even without being released that this has him a little worried.

Yeah, the film, which was born from the family tragedy he experienced with his relatives, reveals not only the corruption and the poor health system of our country, but seeks to raise awareness about the future what we Panamanians want, facing the next presidential elections in May.

Recently, Elmis was flattered by his talent and by the film, but as always, keeping your feet on the ground prevents your ego from winning and better wants people to see the movie: “I am very grateful for taking me into account! However, I would like you to see the product on the screen in Theaters in MARCH. We could still disappoint, but the only thing I can tell you is that this film has good intentions and is looking at each other with heart and soul. Thanks again!”.

The filming of “Once Upon a Time in Panama” ended last January 9oday it is in the editing stage right now. Everything goes within time and against time.

2024-01-17 23:32:46
#Elmis #Castillo #afraid #disappointing #people #film


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