Due to the consequences of illness, the real results have not yet been available / Article

The leader of the men’s national team, Rastorgujev, is in 22nd place in the overall standings of the World Cup after three stages, and the start can certainly be considered successful, considering the illness before the season opener in Sweden, which affected the training process and also the sports form.

“I have started in all competitions where it was possible to participate. The results are good, but they are not the real results yet, because I am not in the best condition,” said Rastorgujev, highlighting the difficulties he faced at the beginning of the season. “The physical condition was not as planned before the season. It changed due to an illness that occurred before the start of the season itself. I ran the first start while still fresh, but the next ones were not easy to run.”

Due to illness, Andrej did not complete the planned tasks in the preparation plan. Robbie later made himself felt in the important training work.

At the beginning of the season, Rastorgujev’s best result is the 4th place in the 20-kilometer distance, which was achieved in the first stage on the Östersund track in Sweden. The only mistake the Latvian biathlete made was in the last shooting range, but entering the top four in this distance is a repeat of his career record – previously he managed to win 4th place in 20 kilometers in 2012/2013. in the season of the year.

“It was generally good and I think I did the maximum I could do that day. Despite that one mistake that cost the podium, in any case, everything was fine with illness and physical condition,” the biathlete recalls the start in Sweden.

Rastorgujev has always stood out with very good skiing speed on the track, however, due to the reasons mentioned above, he has not really managed to show it this season. If the speed on the track is usually quite good, the stability in shooting tended to disappoint.

In the first three stages, Rastorgujev stood out with excellent prone shooting – only one mistake was made,

which makes the native of Aluk one of the best shooters lying down at the beginning of the season. There are more errors in standing shooting, but 80% hits is not a bad indicator either.

“We have worked a lot on shooting with coach Valdis Bēržinus, we worked with a Norwegian specialist on psychological stability,” Rastorgujevs explained the nuances of shooting. “There is really a lot of work invested, and I focused a lot on shooting myself. I looked for an approach, I looked for a position, I went even deeper myself. As for standing shooting, before the season at the end of October, I had slightly changed the release, I added a little nuance. That nuance I was paid quite a lot in the end and it was a wrong decision on my part, I had to take it off.”

In types of skiing, including biathlon, the technical rules have been slightly changed, that is, fluorine has actually been eliminated from ski lubricants, so the technical staff has to search again for the best solutions that comply with the rules and ensure the best possible glide of the skis on the track.

“Our service group works excellently – it does, tries, searches, wakes up early and works. For big nations, people work all year round to find the best, they have ski structure machines, which we don’t have,” Rastorgujev outlined the technical nuances. “As we know

any innovation is a plus for big countries, because they can do more faster, there are more people doing it all.

With their number of people, they find a better option faster than we do, but our service does everything it can and does an excellent job. Of course, in some competitions the skis were not so competitive, it happens, but it does not depend on the service – it is the whole set. Swedes, Norwegians always find something, Italy. If you follow, sometimes the Germans have the best speeds, but then they disappear somewhere, something is also found there.”

In between the competitions, Rastorgujev trained to improve his condition, stating to the athlete that this is actually the only moment during the season when it is possible to train qualitatively and prepare for an intense competition schedule right after the turn of the year.

“When you go to the stages of the World Cup, you can only maintain what you have trained for. This is the moment when you can do something, change something, but there are not so many days,” said the biathlete. “Everything depends on how you feel, and I try to listen more to the body, what it needs, what it requires. You can also understand more from it.

If you shoot without penalties and fight for ten, then you are still far from that condition, don’t hit them [līderiem] present

But after Östersund, every stage was better, maybe somewhere in standing shooting it didn’t reach the end, but there is a reference point – it’s good and not bad. It’s not like he’s completely gone with the disease, his condition is holding up, although it’s not the best,” said Rastorgujev.

Latvia’s leading biathlete stated that he plans to participate in the European Championship, however, the start in this competition will depend on his health. The intense competition schedule at the beginning of the year should also be taken into account – in January there are three stages of the World Cup, followed by the European Championship, and February will be spent in the sign of the World Championship – this year it will take place on the Czech track Novemesto. Rastorgujev says that the most important start this season will be the world championship, and he is also preparing for it.

At the World Cup stage in Oberhof on Friday, there will be a sprint for both men (at 12:15 p.m.) and women (at 3:20 p.m.). On Saturday, there will be a pursuit race, and on Sunday, the stage will end with the classic men’s and women’s relays. All races can be seen live on LTV7 and LSM.lv.

2024-01-05 04:28:12
#Due #consequences #illness #real #results #Article


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