Down Syndrome National Basketball Team Gears Up for Trisome Games Championship

ANKARA (AA) – Down Syndrome National Basketball Team Head Coach Ufuk Bulut said that they have strengthened the team with 4 additional players for the Trisome Games to be held in Antalya, and their goal is the championship with the advantage of being home.

In his statement to the AA correspondent, Bulut stated that they will enter the camp on January 20 for the Trisome Games, which will be held in Antalya on March 19-26.

Stating that they examined all the special players across the country in an effort to better prepare the squad for the Down Syndrome European Championship held in Italy in September 2023, Bulut continued as follows:

“We reinforced Caner Ekin, Egehan Sinav, Hüseyin Elmasoğlu and Zinar Altuntaş to the team. The team staff became 10 people with our former players Onur Kurtulmuş, Eren Yılmaz, Yunus Emre Karadal, Emre Bolluk, Hasan Gökhan Kotan and Gökhan Yusuf Işık. 2 new coaches. “Our friends Kamile Taş and Bülent Ercan also participated. Osman Yeğenoğlu is our coach and they will support me. Our assistant coaches are earthquake victims from Hatay, they were continuing their work there. We asked him to join us based on his work, and thankfully, they accepted.”

Regarding the preparations for the camp, Bulut said, “We will have our first camp in Ankara on January 20-30, and then our second camp will be in Çanakkale on February 8-18. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University invited us, we will have a camp there. Afterwards, it will be a very big camp.” If there is no change, we will have a camp in Trabzon on March 1-15. Then, the World Championship (Trisome Games) starts in Antalya on March 19. To motivate the children and to raise awareness among the citizens in those provinces. “We arranged such a camp program.” made his assessment.

Basketball players with Down syndrome will camp for the first time in Çanakkale and Trabzon

Stating that Ankara is already one of the leading provinces in this regard, Bulut said, “Such a camp will be held for the first time in Çanakkale and Trabzon, so it is important in terms of awareness. As a result of a joint work with the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, students will stay in dormitories.” he said.

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Stating that they also examined the rival country teams that will face them in the Trisome Games, Bulut concluded his words as follows:

“Currently, there are 5 countries with us that have announced that they will participate: Argentina, Italy, Finland and Hungary. Of course, we will go to the tournament very willing and ready. This time, we are aiming for first place with the advantage of being home and with the confidence of being well prepared. We have never played with Argentina, They will be participating in a tournament for the first time, but Italy, Hungary and Finland are the teams we have met before in the European Championship. Italy is already a leading country in this business. Finland played in the final in the European Championship, and Hungary came third. Of course, this is not clear in the tournament situation, we can do it. “We will try to do our best. Our goal is to win the championship at home.”

2024-01-17 16:26:22
#Syndrome #National #Basketball #Team #compete #championship #Trisome #Games


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