Dorados de Chihuahua Basketball Team to Kick Off 2024 State Basketball League

Dorados de Chihuahua Basketball Team to Kick Off 2024 State Basketball League

Present at the event were the rector of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Luis Alfonso Rivera Campos, the President of ADEMEBA, Jorge Medina, representative of the State Basketball League, Joel Cortines, Rosario Almeida, representative of Interceramic and Alejandra Cárdenas, Administrative deputy director of the Chihuahuense Institute of Sports and Physical Culture.

The Dorados de Chihuahua basketball team will be presented this Friday at a press conference headed by Mayor Marco Bonilla, heading to the 2024 State Basketball League.

The talent of Chihuahuans Jared Pérez and José “Ché” Vargas stands out, who play the Base and Forward positions, respectively.

In Dorados’ first home game, they will host the Indios de Ciudad Juárez on Friday, January 26; On Saturday the 27th as visitors, they will face the Pioneros de Delicias and on February 9, the first duel of Dorados vs Apaches, at the Rodrigo M. Quevedo.

There will be 14 days of the regular phase, in addition to the all-star game that will take place on February 18 at the Torreón Municipal Auditorium.

2024-01-19 17:25:00
#Dorados #ready #state #league #present #team


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