Discover the Benefits of Strength Training and the Ounwan Craze

Lower body with bodyweight squats, upper body with incline pushups
Even beginners in exercise gain strength and confidence.

The ‘Ounwan’ craze is expected to continue this year as well. Ounwan, an abbreviation for ‘completed exercise today,’ is used to mean that one has properly completed the daily exercise amount set for oneself. Most people post pictures of themselves after working out on SNS, including their Instagram or KakaoTalk profiles, and use the hashtag ‘#Ounwan’. Interest in a healthy body and exercise is increasing. Interest in the body and stamina is so high that various exercise industries such as fitness are thriving, exercise-related YouTubers are gaining popularity, and entertainment programs that feature competitions with strong bodies related to exercise are loved. January is a good month to set new goals for the new year. Dear readers, why not make your own exercise plan and join the Ounwan procession? In the hope that Sojoong’s student reporters can be reborn as healthy bodies, we tried strength training and Ounwan.

Student reporters Yuna Jo, Jeonghan Lee, and Woochan Lee (from left), who visited Wonjun Choi GYM to learn strength training that can develop muscle strength, each posed with dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells.

As interest in health increases, the ‘Healthy Pleasure’ lifestyle has recently been in the spotlight. It is a word that is a combination of the English word ‘Healthy’, which means ‘healthy’, and ‘Pleasure’, which means ‘joy’, and means ‘managing one’s health happily.’ In the past, people managed their health by exercising hard, but now they pursue ‘sustainable health management’ by combining enjoyment with health management.

You can sign up for a gym or Pilates academy, build a strong body, create a body profile, and form a ‘crew’ with like-minded people to do group exercise as if playing a group game. ‘Zero’ foods that exclude ingredients known to be bad for health are also popular. There are a variety of foods on the market, from ‘zero sugar’ that contains no sugar to ‘zero calories’, ‘zero gluten’ and ‘zero sodium’. Rather than controlling what you want to eat, you enjoy foods made with lower calories by substituting ingredients while maintaining the taste, such as konjac tteokbokki or tofu noodle pasta. The ‘Owun Wan (Complete Today’s Workout)’ challenge, which involves taking a photo of today’s exercise and recording it with a hashtag on social media, is also popular. The Ownwan Challenge has the positive function of motivating you to exercise consistently by certifying the satisfaction of completing exercise.

Challenge ‘Ounwan’ with strength training
The Netflix entertainment show ‘Physical: 100’, in which 100 people with strong physical abilities compete in various competitions to select the best, topped the TV show category last year. It became a hot topic because it was the first time that a Korean entertainment show reached the top of the global rankings on Netflix. Thanks to this, interest in physical ability and exercise has increased, and as health YouTubers, regular people with muscular bodies, and sports athletes have gained popularity, the number of people taking up muscle strengthening exercises such as weight training and CrossFit has increased.

Student reporters Jo Yu-na, Lee Woo-chan, and Lee Jeong-han (from left) learned strength exercises that can develop muscle strength and participated in the ‘Owunwan (complete today’s exercise)’ challenge.

Sojoong’s student reporters visited Wonjun Choi GYM in Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul to learn strength exercises that can develop muscle strength. Trainer Lee Won-seok, who will be conducting PT for the student reporters, welcomed us warmly. First, when student reporter Lee Jeong-han asked, “There are a lot of people receiving PT these days. What exactly is PT and what is weight training?” the trainer responded, “To put it simply, weight training is a strength exercise that uses gravity to lift weights.” “The P in PT stands for Personal, and the T stands for Training. It literally means personal training. Since each person has different physical conditions, abilities, and needs, I think you can think of receiving PT on a 1:1 basis to provide personalized training.”

Student reporter Jo Yuna being examined with the Fitrix body analyzer.

This trainer prepared customized strength exercises for student reporters who were receiving personal training for the first time. Before starting full-scale exercise, I decided to receive an exercise solution through the Fitrix body type analyzer. Student reporter Cho Yu-na took the test as a representative. As instructed on the screen, I did various movements, such as raising both arms up and sitting down and standing up. Body information is scanned and body shape is analyzed through front and side body shape analysis and three exercise tests. It predicts the risk of injury by comprehensively analyzing body characteristics and muscle and joint functions. Student reporter Yuna was predicted to be at risk for injuries to her neck, shoulders and lower back, and she may have some problems raising her head and breathing when swimming. She also introduced recommended stretches along with body type characteristics results.

Sojoong student reporters are warming up before strength training. I used a step box to go up and down, then walked lightly, then gradually increased my speed and warmed up by running faster.

Before strength training, I decided to do aerobic exercise and as a warm-up and warm-up exercise, I decided to use a step box to go up and down and then walk lightly. “You have to look straight ahead, keep your balance, and go up and down. When you go up to the step box, you press down with the strength of your legs as if you are pressing down on the step box. “Press firmly and do 10 movements of going up and down, alternating between your right and left feet.” As you get used to walking, increase the tempo and walk while looking at your feet, and when you get used to it, look at the mirror in front of you. “You have to feel the strength of the soles of your feet. The strength of the soles of your feet is very important during weight training. To get a feel for it, I also do step box exercises. “After I got used to it, I increased my speed and almost ran. Just warming up made me feel out of breath and tired.

When it was time to begin full-scale strength training, the trainer asked which part of the body I would like to exercise. Student reporters Lee Jeong-han and Lee Woo-chan said they wanted to try arm exercises, and student reporter Jo Yuna said they wanted to try leg exercises. This trainer recommended squats for lower body strength first, saying that I should try different areas evenly. “Does anyone know what a squat is? Has anyone tried it?” In response to this trainer’s question, all three student reporters answered that they had tried it. “I had them do it as a warm-up exercise for all sports, including Taekwondo and Kendo.” (Woochan), “I tried it in PE class at school.” (Jeonghan), “I tried it with my dad.” (Yuna) This trainer helped each person check their posture. He asked me to try just the five squats I knew. She took turns doing squats with each of them. “The three people are similar, but student reporter Yuna’s feet were not spread evenly. When she squats, her knees should bend in the direction of her toes. If her feet are placed in the figure 11, her knees should also go out in the direction of the figure 11, and if she is spread wide, her knees should be folded in that direction, but Student Reporter Woochan goes out further than the tips of her toes. The squat is a complex joint exercise that uses three joints: the ankle joint, the knee joint, and the hip joint, but the proportion of all three people using only the knee joint is high. “That will put a strain on your knees.”

The squat is a multi-joint exercise that uses three joints: the ankle joint, knee joint, and hip joint. Student reporter Lee Woo-chan is doing squat exercises while receiving posture correction.

Student reporters Sojo, who received posture correction, tried box squats to make posture easier. Squat with a square box behind your body, lightly touch your buttocks, and stand up. In order to touch the buttocks to the box, you need to use your hips rather than bending your knees, so this is a good squat correction exercise for people who go out with their knees first when squatting. “At home, you can place a chair or use a bench. “We’ll try it on a bench.” Place a bench behind your hips, spread your feet evenly shoulder-width apart, look straight ahead, place both arms on your chest in an It is important to wake up and press down firmly, thinking that you are leaving your footprints on the ground. After practicing, Sojoong’s student reporters did box squats 5 times, removed the chair, and squatted again. Even if there is no bench, it is important to sit as you feel when there is one. “okay! He’s good at it. “This is how you do squats.”

‘Lying lat pulldown’ is a back exercise that can be easily done at home. Lie down on a mat, raise your upper body, extend your arms above your head, and then fold them back.

Back exercises can be done in a variety of ways, including using equipment, but this time I decided to use a mat. “I’m going to try the ‘Lat Pulldown’ exercise, which is done while lying down. “You can easily do it at home as long as you have a mat.” This is an exercise where you lie down on the floor, raise your upper body, extend your arms, and then fold them back. While pulling in the tip of your chin, lift your upper body using the strength of your waist, extend both arms above your head, and then place your elbows toward your armpits and repeat the pulling motion several times. When extending and pulling your arms, you must use the strength of your lower back muscles to maintain your posture so that your upper body does not move. Once you learn the posture to a certain degree, you can hold dumbbells or a water bottle in your hands.

Student reporter Lee Jeong-han doing back exercises with ‘seated cable rows’. You should hold the grip, straighten your shoulders, chest, and back, pull it towards your stomach, hold on, and then slowly release it.

After learning back exercises using a mat, I tried an equipment called ‘seated cable row.’ You can use your shoulder blades to strengthen your back muscles that pull the grip, which helps improve your posture. Place your feet on the footrest, sit down, grab the grip attached to the cable, straighten your shoulders, chest, and back, and pull towards your stomach and hold on. When student reporter Woo Chan asked, “Can I just hold on like a tug of war?” the trainer responded, “Yes, please hold on like that.” At this time, you must pull using your elbow. When you release it, you should slowly straighten your arm while releasing your strength little by little, rather than just snapping away due to the weight. Repeat the action by pulling the cable again.

Student reporter Jo Yu-na is doing exercises to develop the front of the thigh and quadriceps using a ‘leg extension’ device under the guidance of trainer Won-seok Lee (right).

Next, I did an exercise to develop the front of the thigh and quadriceps muscle using the ‘leg extension’ device, which is the most basic of lower body exercises. After sitting on the chair, adjust the back pad, insert your feet, and then adjust the foot position and ankle pads. Set the appropriate weight and once you’re done setting, straighten your knees as much as possible and return to the original position and repeat the movement. You have to hold the handle tightly to keep your butt from shaking. Leg extensions are more advantageous than other exercises for developing quadriceps muscles because they allow you to achieve maximum muscle contraction while keeping your knee joints stationary for a long time. When student reporter Yuna said it was heavy, this trainer explained, “The starting weight is different for each machine, but I’ve set the lowest weight to 13 pounds.”

Student reporter Soo Jung is doing the ‘Lying Triceps Extension’ exercise, which involves lying on a mat, lifting dumbbells and lowering them to develop triceps using dumbbells. You can easily do this at home using a water bottle instead of dumbbells.

It’s time to do arm exercises using dumbbells. “I’m going to do dumbbell curls to develop my biceps, commonly known as biceps. Spread your legs hip-width apart in a figure 11, place your elbows holding the dumbbells next to your sides, then raise the dumbbells comfortably and lower them slowly. In some ways, weight training is an exercise that involves lifting weights and applying strength to the relevant area. “You can think of it as tightening and releasing your biceps.”

Student reporter Soo Jung is doing the ‘Lying Triceps Extension’ exercise, which involves lying on a mat, lifting dumbbells and lowering them to develop triceps using dumbbells. You can easily do this at home using a water bottle instead of dumbbells.

Next to the biceps, do the ‘lying triceps extension’ exercise to develop the triceps. “Lie on your back on the mat, bring your legs together, bend your knees, lift the dumbbells, and slowly lower them. Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells to the side of your ears, then exhale and straighten your arms. “Be careful not to lift your shoulders at this time.” This is an exercise that you can do even if you have dumbbells or a water bottle at home. After completing basic strength training for the lower body, back, and arms, student reporters asked trainer Lee Won-seok any questions they had.

Woochan: What are the benefits of exercise?
As everyone knows, it is good for your health. But personally, what I think is best is that it increases self-esteem. If you become healthy and your body improves, your self-esteem will naturally increase and the positive effects from that will be enormous.

Jeonghan: Will exercise have a positive effect on studying?
Of course it has a positive impact. For this part, I recommend a book called 『Brain in Sneakers』. The first item in the book’s table of contents is ‘The Amazing Effects of Physical Education Classes in Period 0’. At Naperville Central High School in Illinois, USA, physical education is taught as a zero-period class at 7:10 a.m. Students at that school not only have a low rate of overweight, but their academic performance is also said to be significantly better. They explain that the reason is that if you exercise and supply blood to the brain, the brain will be in optimal condition. Of course, if you study in an optimal state for your brain, it will be more effective.

Yuna: Do you have to exercise every day?
no. I don’t think you need to do it every day. Of course, it would be good to do it often, but I think it would be good to do it consistently at least 3 times a week, and I think it would be better to do it 4 to 6 times, which is more than half of the time a week.

Student reporters Sojo, who learned strength training and fell in love with it, decided to participate in the ‘Owunwan’ challenge after creating their own exercise plan.

Jeonghan: Is it okay for elementary school students to do strength training?
Elementary school students can also do strength training. If children do strength training, they can improve their strength just like adults and raise their physical level. I would like to say that it is a safe and healthy physical activity that children can do, and by making the body stronger through strength training, you can prevent injuries by reducing the incidence of injuries in other sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball that you enjoy. To quote a sports science paper, research has shown that when exercising with heavy weights, the growth plate is stimulated and the body’s coordination ability develops, which leads to the development of concentration and immersion, which also helps children’s academic ability.

Woochan: There is a saying that if you lift heavy things or exercise when you are young, you will not grow taller.
This story has probably been around for a long time. This is incorrect information. There is no scientific evidence that it ‘impedes growth’, and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) also says that resistance strength training using weights is an exercise program that can help with growth as well as relieve obesity.

Yuna: What are the advantages and disadvantages of strength training?
When we make any movement, we must use muscles. Even now, as you write down my story, your muscles, including your hands and arms, are being used. Wouldn’t our lives themselves become better if we raised our physical level by developing the muscles used in all actions through strength training? The downside is that the process of strength training can be a bit boring or difficult to get interested in.

Woochan: What are the advantages of exercise equipment?
It’s easy. Because you use equipment that has been created to move rather than controlling and creating the movement yourself like with free weights, it is easier to maintain a good posture, which has the advantage of increasing your concentration on the area you want to exercise.

Jeonghan: Please tell children and teenagers about good exercise.
There is no distinction between exercise that is good for children and teenagers and exercise that is good for adults. However, the exercise may vary depending on your physical condition, ability, and desired needs. If children and adolescents have good physical conditions and abilities, they can do exercises that are difficult for adults, and even adults can do low-difficulty exercises if their conditions and abilities are not good. For children and teenagers who are new to exercise, we recommend body weight exercises such as bodyweight squats, push-ups, and hanging exercises that use their own body weight instead of using barbells, dumbbells, or equipment.

Yuna: I’m curious about how to find the right exercise for you.
First of all, it’s a good idea to think about what you like. It’s a good idea to figure out whether you like group exercise that requires teamwork with friends, or individual exercise that gives you a sense of accomplishment based on your individual capabilities, and try out different types of exercise that you like.

Yuna: What is the best way to eat when exercising?
First of all, it is most important to eat all three meals well: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And be sure to include protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, tofu, and beans in your meals.

Jeonghan: Why do you exercise and eat protein?
Protein is one of the main nutrients that make up our body and is made up of small units called amino acids. Protein plays an important role in building and maintaining muscle, and protein intake is recommended after exercise because it helps muscle growth and recovery.

Trainer Lee Won-seok, who taught strength training for the student reporters.

Woochan: Was there anything difficult about working as a fitness trainer?
Out of 10 people who come to exercise, 3 work really hard and do well. However, about 70% are people who are either bad at exercise, have no interest in it, or haven’t tried it much. I think the hardest and most difficult thing is how to motivate and interest such people in exercise.

Yuna: How can I exercise consistently?
I think that if you know exactly what your purpose is for exercising and set a goal you want to achieve by exercising, you will be able to exercise consistently. And if you exercise consistently, the day will come when you will feel positive changes in yourself. If you feel the change yourself, from then on you will be able to see yourself exercising even if others tell you not to.

Written by = Reporter Han Eun-jeong [email protected], Photo = Lim Ik-soon (Open Studio), accompanying reporting = Students Jeong-han Lee (6, Yangjin Elementary School, Seoul), Woo-chan Lee (5, Okgil Sandeul Elementary School, Gyeonggi-do), Yuna Jo (5, Elementary School, Seoul) Reporter, written coverage = Student reporter Ko Il-jae (Seoul Gangmyeong Elementary School 5), Park Seo-hyeon (Seoul Shinsangdo Elementary School 6), student model, Lee Yu-min (Seoul Daemo Elementary School 4), student reporter Lee Ye-jun (Seoul Doseong Elementary School 4), student model

2024-01-14 22:11:24
#소년중앙 #Build #strength #play #swimming #soccer #badminton.. #plan #Ounwan


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