DFB President Neuendorf surprisingly praises Saudi Arabia as a “real football country”

DFB President Neuendorf surprisingly praises Saudi Arabia as a “real football country”

Bernd Neuendorf sees Saudi Arabia, in contrast to Qatar, as a “real football country.” The President of the German Football Association (DFB) does not share the sometimes great criticism of the football model there. He recently got an idea on site with other association presidents from Europe.

“It has already become clear that the Saudis are not just interested in signing expensive stars for their top clubs. In order to develop football, they are building many new football pitches, want to train coaches and players well, and develop girls’ and women’s football,” Neuendorf told the “Neue Westfälische.”

Bernd Neuendorf praises the World Cup atmosphere in Qatar

There is great enthusiasm for football in Saudi Arabia. “The euphoria and joy of the many Saudi fans during the World Cup in Qatar, especially after the opening victory over eventual world champions Argentina, was impressive,” said Neuendorf. Nevertheless, he believes that Europe will remain “the number one football region in the world”.

Saudi Arabia has invested billions in sport, particularly football, in the past. The country, which has been heavily criticized for its human rights situation, is the only applicant for the 2034 World Cup. The kingdom is accused of wanting to use sport to improve its image.

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