Bildu challenges the PNV and presents the Basque elections as a duel between independentists

The polls are not conclusive, it is still unknown whether the Basques will give their insufficient majority to the PNV or Bildu, although they do make it clear that one of these two will be the party with the most votes. 25, 27, 29, 30… both Basque formations move on that margin, blowing into the back of their necks at a short distance, although with the PNV best positioned and resisting In any case, none of them seem likely to reach the 38 needed to govern alone. So Bildu bets big and challenges the PNV to see if it allows itself to be convinced to govern the list with the most votes.

It is the only point that the nationalist party has in common with the PP. It is the same thing that Alberto Núñez Feijóo asked for when the polls gave him the winner back in July. The goal is to present yourself as helpful voteconcentrate the ballots of the doubtful around their candidate, Pello Otxandiano, with an image yet to be built. Feijóo did it to attract the vote of those who went to Vox and, above all, those who doubted Pedro Sánchez. Bildu to obtain the little support that still remains for We can y Add in the Basque Country.

But de facto posing the elections as a “duel” between the two nationalist forces excluding the rest of the debate, as the director of Public Opinion at Ipsos suggests, José Pablo Ferrándiz, is not exactly how the nationalists want to present it in their public discourse. Otxandiano proposed yesterday in an interview “that the most voted list govern” both PNV and PSE, knowing that they are his only two possible partners, with the argument that Euskadi is “in a new time” in which Basque citizens ask that “the reactionary right be excluded.” Navarre and Pamplona are the “example” to continue, Otxandiano points out, although the PSOE has insisted that the agreement in the Navarrese capital is an isolated case. And his team explains in detail how little by little they are advancing this dynamic in the Basque Country. It’s not theory they say, but something they are “putting into practice.”

Agreement pending in Vitoria

After the motion of censure in Pamplona, ​​last December, in which EH Bildu ousted UPN from the mayor’s office and assumed the baton of command thanks to a coalition government with the PNV and the external support of the PSN, the equation is repeated more or less in Vitoria, although with less tragic overtones. In the capital of Álava, the socialist Maider Etxebarria finalizes a agreement with Bildu to carry out their budgets after having achieved the mayor’s office thanks to the support of the PP. This Wednesday morning the council granted 48 more hours to negotiate amendments to the project with the idea that the PSE-PNV coalition government can reach an agreement with the Abertzales. Something similar has happened in two more municipalities small businesses in the province of Álava (Iruña de Ocón and Oion), where the budgets have gone ahead thanks to the support provided by PSE, PNV and Bildu, explain Abertzales sources.

“PNV, PSE, Podemos and Bildu should collaborate in the formation of public policies and a transformation agenda for the benefit of citizens” they proclaim in Arnaldo Otegi’s party, supporting the PNV as a “progressive force” of the Basque Country, while in the rest of the country and especially in the PP it continues to be considered a conservative party.

Surpass possible in the long term

Bildu knows that it cannot govern alone, is what the polls say, and although there is still no date set for the basque elections No party believes that the dance in the results can move the board so much as to give an absolute majority to anyone. “If (Bildu’s) message were in tactical terms it would not work,” he says Imanol Zubero, doctor in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country: “I think it is long-term, thinking about the bypass of the PNV.” But beyond 2024, something on which he agrees with Ferrándiz.

The idea of ​​the most voted list “is aimed at the PSE, to gain its support because it is really the only one who can do it,” analyzes Zubero. “But Why is the PSE going to change partners if it does well with the PNV?“, he continues. The forecast is that he will maintain his votes and even improve his result somewhat. The expert concludes by saying that “the PNV is more comfortable governing with the PSE”, as he has repeated for years in recent years. three decades“because the memory of ETA, although it has been gone for years, still weighs heavily.”

PSE models

The response of Eneko Andueza, the socialist candidate, has been repeated for months. His team refers to what was said on this matter during the presentation of the electoral program a few days ago, where Andueza showed Bildu two paths: repeat the PNV-PSE coalition but led by himself (replicating the model of María Chivite in the Government of Navarra), or an agreement between PNV and Bildu with Otxandiano at the head (following the Pamplona model).

The script, for now, remains the same, Andueza rejects a government agreement with the Abertzales, external support is another matter.

2024-01-25 06:47:21
#Bildu #challenges #PNV #presents #Basque #elections #duel #independentists


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