Baseball. MLB player arrested in Dominican Republic for sex with minors

Tampa Bay Rays player Wander Franco was arrested this Monday, January 1 in the Dominican Republic as part of an investigation into alleged relationships with minors. He was questioned by authorities for nearly three hours to explain these accusations.

The player, of Dominican nationality, met with Puerto Plata prosecutors in the company of his lawyers. He was placed under arrest following this interview, because he did not attend the summons of the specialized juvenile prosecutor of Santo Domingo last Thursday.

Placed on administrative leave

The 22-year-old has been placed on administrative leave by Major League Baseball (MLB). His team assures that it will help with the investigation without making further comments.

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Father of two, Wander Franco joined the MLB in 2021 when he joined Tampa Bay. He participated in the All-Star Game in 2023, representing the American League.


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