Badminton Flanders Implements 3CX VoIP and Saves 40% on Telecom Bills with AppSys Mobile

We’re starting the year sporty! A few weeks ago we added a virtual telephone exchange (VoIP – 3CX). Badminton Flanders Badminton Flanders. They also switched to AppSys Mobile, which now saves them 40% on their telecom bill.

About the customer:
Badminton Flanders is the only recognized Flemish unisport federation for badminton. They create the opportunity to exercise from toddler to third age in a medically and ethically responsible manner, also for people with a physical or mental disability. Badminton Flanders is an important stakeholder of Badminton Europe and Badminton World Federation.

The customer’s challenge:
Until recently, customers only used their mobile phone to make calls. That was not convenient, because only one number was publicly known and there was no forwarding option. This provided little structure.

Our solution:
AppSys implemented a 3CX Cloud telephone exchange for Badminton Flanders. In this way they now use the 3CX smartphone app. The caller is directed to the correct employee via a selection menu. Employees can also dial out with the 3CX smartphone app, so that their telephone number remains shielded from the public. Finally, we also migrated their mobile numbers from Proximus to AppSys Mobile, saving them 40% on their telecom bill.

In brief:
✅ Implementation of VoIP solution via 3CX
✅ Migration to AppSys Mobile, which saves the customer 40% on telecom invoices

2024-01-10 14:46:48
#Reference #VoIP #implementation #AppSys #Mobile #Badminton #Flanders


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