Australian Open, winning debut for Sinner

Winning start to the season for Jannik Sinner. At the debut of the Australian Open the Italian – seeded number 4 – beat the Dutch Botic van de Zandschulp after just over two and a half hours of play: 6-4, 7-5, 6-3 the result the final. Debut with victory also for Matteo Arnaldi who beat the Australian Adam Walton with the result of 7-6, 6-2, 6-4.

The hot words of the blue phenomenon

“I feel like I started really well for the first match. Then, I had a few moments where I made a couple of bad choices, but that can happen. The feeling of the match was important for me because I was looking forward to take the field. It was a positive opening match. Let’s go a little further. Then we’ll see, right?”. “Today I won but it wasn’t so easy. My opponent played well and served well. But I somehow managed to take advantage of the important moments.” Jannik Sinner is satisfied with his winning debut at the Australian Open but prefers to keep a low profile in view of the next commitments.

Sinner: “The Olympics are a priority”

“The Olympics are one of the most important events this year for some players. It is also important for me, because it is the first time I participate in the Olympics. I can’t wait.” Jannik Sinner won the victory in his seasonal debut at the Australian Open but is already planning his 2024 commitments. Among these there will certainly be the Olympics. “I can’t talk about how it will go, because it’s the first time for me. We also have to see how to manage the program because we will have a slightly different calendar. Immediately after the Paris Games, for example, there is the ATP 1000 tournament in Canada. I already said last year that the Olympics will be a key moment for me, so it has priority. I can’t wait to play there too.” “Singles and doubles? I don’t know that yet. Singles for sure. For doubles I still have to talk to the other guys to find out what they think and what is perhaps the best solution. Let’s see”, concludes the Italian.

Thanks to the Carota Boys

“Starting with a victory means a lot – the words of the Italian phenomenon -. Physically I feel good, I’m fit. I think I can be satisfied for today.” And then his thanks to his Carota Boys: “Nice to see them in the stands, they are becoming more famous than me. Their support probably helps me in key moments, it gives me extra conviction. I’m happy they’re here.”

During the official post-match interview the Italian does not let himself be carried away by the enthusiasm and controversy linked to the words of Carlos Alcaraz who would like to challenge Novak Djokovic in the final: the Serbian is in the same position as Sinner in the draw and theoretically could challenge the ‘blue in the semifinals. “Where to get to? Today is Sunday – Sinner replies with a smile – The tournament is so long but I’m certainly looking at the next matches even if in another way: I’m going day by day”. “Today there was a player to beat, on Wednesday it will be a different player and I will have to try to beat him. And that’s all. There is still a lot of work to do – concludes the number 4 in the ATP ranking – Nobody can predict the future As I said, obviously we aim to play big games in big stadiums, so let’s see… It will be an interesting tournament.”

2024-01-14 10:46:23
#Australian #Open #winning #debut #Sinner


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