Arjonilla Badminton Club Braces for Duel with Alicante Intercity in Iberdrola Top 10

The Arjonilla Badminton Club faces the Alicante Intercity Badminton Club in its first duel of the year.

The Iberdrola Top 10 is back for the Arjonilleros who will travel to Alicante to play the sixth day of the league competition. Arjonilla has not taken to the court for a while, specifically since November 18 when they faced San Fernando Valencia.

In that match, the Jaenenses won 3 to 4 and closed the first round of the league. Alicante Intercity played its last match against San Fernando with a 3-4 victory for the latter.

In the first leg, the Arjonilleros won at home by a tight 4-3 so, in the words of the Arjonillero coach, Antonio Pons, “it will once again be a very tight match. Alicante is always a difficult opponent and we play at their home.”

Currently Arjonilla is in second position with three victories in four games, followed by Alicante who added a victory in the first round. “We have to continue adding points if we want to be in the finals again,” Pons emphasizes.

The duel will take place next Sunday the 21st at 11:00 a.m. at the Alicante Technology Center and can be followed live through the YouTube channel of the Spanish Badminton Federation and the social networks of the Arjonilla Badminton Club.

2024-01-21 05:16:02
#Arjonilla #starts #Top #Iberdrola


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